baby s feet on brown wicker basket

Your promises fulfilled! Hope as I suffer at Christmas!

Lord Jesus, You came. You condescended to earthly flesh, incarnating as a human. You, the Word made flesh, the Creator and sustainer of all things, holy and majestic God the Son…came. We bow before You today, in awe of who You are. Lo, within a manger lieshe who built the Read more…

selective focus photography of pine tree with snow flakes

A lament of suffering at Christmas, into Love

God rest you merry, gentlemen,let nothing you dismay…Oh tidings of comfort and joy! (“God rest you merry, gentlemen,” p.d.) Yes, we’ve begun the Christmas season with all its “tidings of comfort and joy.” But are you suffering this year, as I am? Does this feel impossible to sing? Is your Read more…

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What is our hope? What is our sure comfort as we suffer?

Father, as I approach brain surgery this week, I thank You for Your hope and comfort. It is Your gift of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ, offered to me and my brothers and sisters who trust in Christ as their Lord and Savior, who may be reading this Read more…

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God always keeps His promises! He is a promise-keeper!

Have you read the story of God’s covenant promise to Abraham lately? God is a promise-keeper!! In our own years of waiting, let’s come to Him with our tearful longings, while nestling deep in His truth, in humbled awe and peace.  Remember? Long ago, God made a covenant promise. First, Read more…

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I am not skilled to understand

I’m writing this week’s “praise interruption” on a day when suffering’s earthly storms are howling on multiple fronts. Screaming at me, to the point of overwhelm. Are you having “one of those days” too? Perhaps, like me, we could recount many days, weeks, and years of storms. But sometimes, when Read more…

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It’s in the hands of such a Friend, Jesus Christ!

Are you facing a crossroads kind of decision today? Me too. Is it overwhelming? Are you also asking God for His wisdom, even as we try to make educated guesses based on our limited human understanding? One of my favorite little choruses sings, “God knows all, God knows best.” As Read more…

hands of a potter working with a pottery wheel

Have Thine Own Way, Lord

When symptoms began again, horrific “déjà vu” set in. As pain and disabling weakness collided with my regular rhythms of loving God and others, flashbacks of the 1990s held PTSD.  How could this be happening again? I was physically healed in 1999, with the miraculous intervention of the all-powerful God Read more…

photography of waterfalls between trees

Finding healing of “Draw Me Nearer” into spiritual depression

As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? (Ps. 42:1-2 ESV). I am thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voice,and it told thy love to me;but I long to rise in the arms of faith,and be closer drawn to thee. (“I Am Thine, O Lord, I Have Heard Thy Voice,” Crosby, F., Read more…

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Singing Christ’s hope and love into depression

It drove me deeper and deeper into hopeless agony. Although no one knew it, I was suffering from depression, comorbid with years of undiagnosed chronic illness. My body was falling apart, with organ systems dysfunctioning and continual, severe pain. My ability to cope as a young wife and mother became Read more…

woman standing on the beach raising her hands

Singing into the hard days

It was time for battle. The Lord had already revealed it would be a hard and scary day. Praying together, God’s people prepared for battle by remembering who He is and asking Him for help.  God encouraged them not to be afraid and that they wouldn’t even need to fight. Read more…

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