I am a planner. As a teacher, I love planning backwards from goals, creating objectives and experiences for students. I love day planners, to-do lists, lesson plan templates. I look forward to events and gleefully plan details. Now, lists are shredded with canceled, ended plans and I’m left with an unknown future. It feels like a wilderness, this empty calendar devoid of sure plans. What is God’s plan? Maybe I need a wilderness to-do list.

To-do #1: See and seek God

David offers one in Psalm 63. O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you (v. 1). He is our personal God; our holistic being needs to seek Him diligently. 

Beholding your power and glory…your steadfast love (vv. 2-3). We need to again see His strength, majesty, power, weightiness, mercy, faithfulness, goodness and kindness. 

To-do #2: Praise God: As a result, for a result

David uses words like “so” and “because.” Praise is a result. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you (v.3, v. 5b). This is our to-do: praise and bless you as long as I live (v. 4). 

What results from praise? A satisfied soul (v. 5) and contentment within this wilderness experience. Really? Perhaps today, things are especially hard and we need more to-do’s.

To-do #3: Remember God’s past help

In the anxious, overwhelmed, sleepless night, I remember you…meditate on you (v. 6). Think about how You have been my help (v. 7a). Tell You…and myself. 

To-do #4: Rehearse the truth of our actual location in Christ

Where are we, really? In the shadow of your wings (v. 7b). Notice birds enjoying new spring days, oblivious to the virus around them. Imagine mama birds nestling their peeping babies close to their protecting, loving hearts in protection. 

Consider wings of the cherubim draping the ark. We can now come to You anytime; the curtain to the Holy of Holies was ripped by our Savior, Jesus Christ (Mt. 27:51). We consider our actual location in Christ. Our Father has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Col. 1:13). Therefore, Your right hand upholds me and my soul clings to you (Ps. 63:8). 

This is our actual situation, one where You are holding us up, grasping us in support, holding us fast as a member of Your kingdom, protecting us from anything You see as dangerous in this appointed time of wilderness on earth. You’ve got us…and You’ve got this.

To-do #5: Sing for joy

In the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy (v. 7b). Sing! We will sing of Your grace, of Your past help, of Your plans assuredly unfolding, of the depth of [Your] riches and wisdom and knowledge (Rom. 11:33), of Your perfect outcomes and solid lesson plan, as David does in Ps. 63:9-11. 

Amazing grace!

Thro’ many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come;

‘tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home….

His Word my hope secures…

He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures…

Immortal, invisible, God only wise…

Wilderness to-do list?

What is the wilderness to-do list He is giving you? What Scriptures, songs, activities will be His grace-filled means to a satisfied soul in your wilderness today? Did you find this helpful? Please share it with the buttons below!


Nancy Snell · April 30, 2020 at 12:34 pm

Thank you Lauri. I pray that God continues to bless you, heal you, and guide you in this ministry….I am hungry to read more!

    Lauri Hogle · April 30, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    Welcome, Nancy! Mutually praying the same for you. May His deep and abiding love fill you to overflowing joy in praise and song today!

Gail Clark · May 19, 2020 at 2:40 am

I can relate to the Wilderness To-Do List, 5 points lesson plan. Seek, Praise, Remember, Rehearse, and Sing! This is a great idea for teachers, parents, and church leaders! It made me reflect on my posture toward Jesus when I am going through a wilderness, and not to forget when I come through. Thank you for sharing!

    Lauri Hogle · May 19, 2020 at 9:58 am

    Gail, i suppose it could be a lesson plan! Isn’t our Father such a beautiful exemplar as a Master Teacher?! He knows exactly what we need as we walk through wilderness times and He’s shown us in His Word! So much in awe of what He gives us in His Word. Thanks for writing-I am learning how to share words in this format and I really need feedback as I learn from all of you. May He bless you richly today, sister!

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