decorative treble clef on bright gift boxes on white background

A “happy Birthday song” as I suffer on Christmas Day

The beautiful familiar story seems unique when we’re suffering. Those shepherds must have been cold. Lonely. Maybe they were tired of caregiving. Sick of beating down wolves. Weary of trying to find greener pastures and water, keeping the wandering ones safe, the sick ones sheltered and alive.  And who got Read more…

woman hand holding heart

Clinging to God’s promises, safe in the arms of Jesus

Father, within Your glorious love story to Your people, Your eternal covenant promises are now fulfilled in Jesus Christ, through the “new covenant” in His blood. You gave these promises throughout the Old Testament, and You’ve fulfilled so many of them already. By Your Spirit’s work,3 I treasure Your promise Read more…

road landscape nature sky

It’s in the hands of such a Friend, Jesus Christ!

Are you facing a crossroads kind of decision today? Me too. Is it overwhelming? Are you also asking God for His wisdom, even as we try to make educated guesses based on our limited human understanding? One of my favorite little choruses sings, “God knows all, God knows best.” As Read more…

silhouette of person standing beside cross during sunset

Victory at the cross of Christ!

Are you feeling beaten down by the evil of this fallen world? Are you weary of its suffering, a result of pervasive sin? Sister in Christ, I’ve been engulfed there lately. But Jesus is risen! Things are not as they seem to us. Our Lord has graciously reminded me of Read more…

'Simply to thy cross I

Healing beneath the cross of Jesus 

Jesus Christ, In this holiest of weeks, focusing on what You’ve done for me, I seek healing beneath the cross of Jesus.  I cannot relax or be calm; I have no rest, for turmoil has come (Job 3:26 CSB). The words of Job echo mine as I suffer. But they Read more…

Sheep in a misty morning

Remembering You are our healer, as we suffer

Lord Jesus, We’re remembering You are our healer this week. When you walked this earth, You brought physical healing as mercy (Mt. 20:30) and with pity (Mt. 20:34). You did this to show people that You were indeed God who has authority over all (Mk. 2:1-10; Lk. 4:31-37; Rom. 13:1, Read more…

photo of child reading holy bible

A prayer to help me remember what is true

Heavenly Father, Like with Job in his suffering, the enemy continues his wearying lie, “Did God actually say?” (Genesis 3:1). Moments of doubt and fear can creep into our thoughts when we’re gripped in the lonely pain of suffering. “Doesn’t suffering mean that my faith has failed? That I have Read more…

a girl with curly hair praying

I’m a Child of the King!

Lord God Almighty, I “hallow” You today, acknowledging that You are the Lord and King, thrice holy and set apart, pure, sacred, and perfect. There is no sin in You, unlike all earthly parents. I pray for so many to become believers, for anyone still living in our inborn sin Read more…

woman holding her high hills

You are holy, holy, holy, Lord

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. (“Holy, Holy, Holy,” Heber, R., 1826) If you’re like me, you’ve sung this hymn thousands of times, usually as opening praise in a worship service. The choir processes down the aisle, with all the Read more…

dawn love people woman

Singing the gospel when I feel like things aren’t fair

Have you heard the exasperated cry of someone suffering, “This just isn’t fair!” Have you lamented the injustices and evils of this world? Do you resonate with Job when he cries to God, “Does it seem good to you to oppress, to despise the work of your hands and favor Read more…

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