silhouette of person standing beside cross during sunset

Praising My Savior, Jesus Christ!

God, I cherish Your name as my Savior (Is. 43:11; Hos. 13:4). Into my suffering today, please remind me of Your love story in my Savior, Jesus Christ. Chapter 1: Creation and Fall In the beginning of the love story, You declared everything in Your creation as “very good” (Gen. Read more…

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Praying to the great I AM, Alpha and Omega

Lord Jesus Christ, when suffering overwhelms me, I must remember how big You are.  I am the Alpha and the Omega…who is and who was and who is come, the Almighty (Rev. 1:8 ESV). Jesus, You are I AM. You are self-existent, constant, and You always accomplish Your purposes. You Read more…

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I’m suffering…but take heart! But God!!

As always, this week’s “praise interruption” interrupts our suffering with loads of Scripture, with God’s Word of truth. I agonized on a recent morning when I couldn’t see a way to manage my new treatment plan, even while grateful for having one now. So graciously, the Lord again came near Read more…

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Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

In the dark moments of suffering, we can easily be tempted to doubt God’s grace. Is God gracious if I’m dealing with so much hardship? How can this be His favor toward me?  Let’s think about God’s grace to us as we suffer. Let’s battle the accuser’s lies with truth Read more…

woman holding her high hills

You are holy, holy, holy, Lord

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. (“Holy, Holy, Holy,” Heber, R., 1826) If you’re like me, you’ve sung this hymn thousands of times, usually as opening praise in a worship service. The choir processes down the aisle, with all the Read more…

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You are always the same, Lord!

“I’m so stressed out and exhausted.” “The continual challenges and changes overwhelm me.” “The many voices conflict, arguing for their own opinions. Who do I believe and trust anymore?” “The pictures, videos, and clanging words in this world make me feel it’s all sinking sand.” “Changing minds, changing plans, changing Read more…

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God’s mercy, in the messy middle

Do you ever feel Job-like when suffering doesn’t go away? What if they say it’s permanent and incurable? What if God’s answers to our prayers seem to be “no” or “not yet?” Could these situations be God’s leading us to His gentle mercy and compassion for us, as we walk Read more…

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Sing to our powerful God!

I must confess…there are days when my symptoms scream loudest and groanings of this world feel unbearable, that I can forget how powerful our God is. These are days when, by His always-sufficient grace, His power is made perfect in my very-weak forgetfulness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 is His precious promise Read more…

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We have hope, Jesus is King!

The news is horrific, isn’t it? Suffering abounds. We’re in agony for many whose daily existence is threatened. We find ourselves praying, “God, please help me as I suffer. Please help our world and Your people.” Who are we praying to, beloved in Christ? Maybe today we need to remember Read more…

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A prayer-song to our glorious God

Is this world’s ugly invading your thoughts and emotions lately? Is it hard to see any light right now? When darkness and ugly infiltrate our thoughts in suffering, we grasp for light and beauty. Sometimes the pain in this world becomes so big in our suffering, that we’re desperate to Read more…

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