banquet and feast

Intimacy with God During Exile

Are you experiencing a new, even desperate, yearning for intimacy with God? Maybe it’s just me, but this pandemic has given me a deeper longing. Written for those experiencing discouragement, attack, and loneliness in exile, Isaiah 35 describes my longing well…maybe it will encourage you too. Five S’s leap from Read more…

When We All Get to Heaven

Singing Christ’s hope into suffering includes singing of heaven as He releases our grip on this world. Before the Lord graciously drew us to Himself in Christ, we had no hope and were without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus, we have been brought near by the blood of Christ (Eph. 2:13 ESV)! Read more…

God Knows

I’ve realized that we teachers continually gaze to future. We create broad learning outcomes for students in our care and then artistically sculpt logical and detailed plans for every month, week and day. We become creators, molders, shapers, and potters who can visualize future beauty in each student as we Read more…

Singing “Be Still My Soul” in Crisis

Crisis threatened once again. Frightened, she prayed, “I am so scared. Lord, show me how to pray. I need You. I need Your guidance and wisdom. I need Your rescue. Please help me. Comfort me.” I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning Read more…

deep, deep love of Jesus

Deep, deep love of Jesus casts out fear

Do you hear pulsating fear everywhere? Do you notice an underlying “what if…” in spoken words and unspoken thoughts? I had a close soul-sister friend who could notice. She was the type of friend who saw my underlying “what if” as I talked. Her cancer brought her into eternity with Read more…

singing praise to God fosters trust in God

Singing the Gospel Into Your Stress

I call it “micro-stress” when I chat with students. We laugh about it, but there is a quiet knowing and empathy about its compounding challenge. You know…that underlying anxiety caused by constant infusion of horrific on the news. That incessant loud of needing the next “like” on social media, of Read more…

trust hope in God

Reset of trust: Jesus is our present and future hope

“There is no future hope. The doctors say so. Not for continued life on this earth, anyway.” “There is no hope. The news anchors say so. There is no future hope.”  “Things will never be the same again. Everyone says so.”  “Everything is crashing and life plans seem totally ruined Read more…

“How long, O Lord?”

The hits. Just. Keep. On. Coming. All at once. It feels Job-like. When I was sick, I often cried prayers of despair and lament. They filled my tears, especially as I lay in hospital beds missing my little children and husband. Despair and Lament How long, O Lord? Will you forget Read more…

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