three red heart decors

A crisis of faith, a bursting of love

God has woven some underlying themes into my 35 years of suffering from chronic illness and pain, much like themes in a sonata. As I read my prayer journals, one theme has been the ongoing need to believe the gospel…daily.  I see the subtle spiritual warfare and temptation of the Read more…

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When we feel like nothing, and no one is helpful in battles, we need our Helper 

I opened my phone, and social media tore into me. Memes complaining about “the world,” suffering and sin, and Scriptures meant to warn unbelievers wrecked my already-aching heart. When I realized I was suddenly feeling condemned and wallowing in “self” thoughts, I knew…these people’s posts were not helpful. When we Read more…

white goat kid on grass

Knowing Jesus suffered for me…and suffers with me

When bouts of electric shocks fired into my body, with violently convulsing pain, I couldn’t think but only endure. When they subsided, I always melted with gratitude to our Savior, who suffered with me.  Can you imagine His raw and exposed nerves struck by scourges? Can you imagine the physical Read more…

pink green and purple flowers during daytime

Jesus loves me, this I know

I’ve been thinking a lot about Jesus and what aspect of His character has specifically attracted so many to follow Him and maintain trust in Him, no matter what suffering entered their earthly lives. What drove Jesus all the way to the cross, enduring all manner of suffering in His Read more…

close up shot of a woman reading a bible

Praising Jesus Christ, our Teacher of truth

Have you noticed conflicting teaching and thinking? We gasp for hope as we pray for Jesus to return or rescue us from earthly suffering, but we also quietly fear escalating evil and global suffering. Our thoughts fill with odd tensions. Everything will be fine. This will blow over. Jesus will Read more…

photo of child reading holy bible

A prayer to help me remember what is true

Heavenly Father, Like with Job in his suffering, the enemy continues his wearying lie, “Did God actually say?” (Genesis 3:1). Moments of doubt and fear can creep into our thoughts when we’re gripped in the lonely pain of suffering. “Doesn’t suffering mean that my faith has failed? That I have Read more…

red leaf trees near the road

A Thanksgiving prayer into evil times

Father, It’s a week of thanksgiving, but many of us feel so wearied by evil. What can we do but turn to You and Your Word? David’s words to evil enemies become our words, when we ache over pervasive evil around us. We too see the lying work of Your Read more…

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God is…compassionate and strong

My God, I’m feeling so much like Job today. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet. I have no rest, but trouble comes. I need Your help and strength just for basic life tasks. How can I get through today?  “Day by day, and with each passing moment,” Read more…

Near to God by Lauri A. Hogle

You are worthy of my praise, Lord

God, I come to You in moments of despair and stress as I walk through this fallen world’s deep suffering. It’s exhausting, so I’m battling the enemy’s insidious lies just as Jesus did. Your Word is Your offensive weapon (Eph. 6). So, help me cling to Your Word’s truths about Read more…

silhouette of person standing beside cross during sunset

Praising My Savior, Jesus Christ!

God, I cherish Your name as my Savior (Is. 43:11; Hos. 13:4). Into my suffering today, please remind me of Your love story in my Savior, Jesus Christ. Chapter 1: Creation and Fall In the beginning of the love story, You declared everything in Your creation as “very good” (Gen. Read more…

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