man standing on a rock near snow covered land

Praying to our wise God as we suffer

Are Job’s words echoes of your thoughts? I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest, but trouble comes (Job 3:26 ESV).  Like Job, suffering trial after trial, we don’t understand why this is happening. How could we? We are not God and we have limited wisdom Read more…

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Sing to our powerful God!

I must confess…there are days when my symptoms scream loudest and groanings of this world feel unbearable, that I can forget how powerful our God is. These are days when, by His always-sufficient grace, His power is made perfect in my very-weak forgetfulness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 is His precious promise Read more…

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We have hope, Jesus is King!

The news is horrific, isn’t it? Suffering abounds. We’re in agony for many whose daily existence is threatened. We find ourselves praying, “God, please help me as I suffer. Please help our world and Your people.” Who are we praying to, beloved in Christ? Maybe today we need to remember Read more…

woman in white sweater and blue denim jeans praying on bed

How to sing the Lord’s song when we’re suffering

Is your landscape starting to look foreign? With head-spinning changes, escalating evil all around, pervasive hardship, and seemingly impossible suffering? I’ve had that kind of week as I write this. Many of us have. Psalms 137 and 138 have been the Lord’s gift to me this week.  God’s people, exiled Read more…

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Jesus, You are the lover of my soul

What if this suffering means my faith isn’t strong enough? What if God doesn’t actually love me?  The enemy loves to dagger these questions into our thoughts. Just as in the Genesis 3 garden, the tempter wants us to forget the gospel, doubt God’s love for us because pain is Read more…

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The Riches of the Breath of God

Are these days making you feel breathless? Like you’re wearily running a marathon? Perhaps you’re sick and literally struggling to take a breath. Perhaps you’re finding yourself holding your breath from constant pain, anxiety, or stress. We are indeed living through a race of endurance right now. But we are Read more…

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God’s Rescue in a New-Hard Season

As this New Year begins, are you begging God for rescue from a new-hard season? If you’re like me, as I pray for rescue, I also must look back, rehearsing His past rescue when my circumstances overwhelm. I first need to remember that He’s already rescued and delivered us!  So, Read more…

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Thanksgiving through tears: Your sacrifice becomes my thanksgiving

Is this a Thanksgiving through tears for you? One of deep loss and pain? Our tears are in the tender care of the One who also wept in His loss. Beloved in Christ, our thanks-giving tears are offerings of trust to the One who understands. In the United States, this Read more…

woman and child walking on beach

Lord, I Praise You Like a Child

Every time I visit with our little grandchildren, I consider the “childlike faith” that Jesus describes. It’s a dependence for our very lives, fully trusting in someone else. Little ones don’t consider what’s coming. They simply play, learn, and grow…in the moment. They offer much wonder, curiosity, and love as Read more…

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Yet, I will rejoice in the LORD

My suffering appeared hopeless. Every circumstance pointed to endless hardship, permanent challenges, a life of tribulation. It felt Job-like, impacting health, finances, family, work and home tasks, relationships. My husband and I were now walking through years of long-suffering affliction and endless pain. And now my soul is poured out Read more…

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