gray concrete triumphal arch surrounded by flowers

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms in Crisis

Crisis screams. A phone call that shatters, symptoms that destroy, an emergency that swirls into chaos. If you’re like me, you grasp for control and try to hold things together as you pray, “Help me, help me” or just “God,” until you finally breathe and melt. In the siren lights Read more…

pathway between green grass field

God’s song in the night, a song of joy

Joy? How can we possibly find any joy right now? How can we find joy when anger, pain, fear, and personal troubles seem to escalate weekly?  My heart has wearied this week, yet He beckons me through this Scripture. God’s song in the night You shall have a song as Read more…

writing morning blur business

God’s beautiful, wonderful words of life

Are you dealing with frustrations at every turn? Battling Goliath-sized giants on many fronts? Does this old hymn sing your prayer to the Lord today?  Sing them over again to me,wonderful words of life;let me more of their beauty see,wonderful words of life.Words of life and beauty,teach me faith and Read more…

crop mother washing hands of child in bathroom

Interrupt Our Suffering by Serving Others in Love

This week, one of our sisters here at “Singing Christ’s Hope” has written something beautiful for all of us to ponder. Here are words of Heather Hooks, sharing her perspective: I have a radical idea – what if we interrupt our suffering by worshipping God? And what if that worship Read more…

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Lord, I praise You with Psalm 139

Did things go differently than you expected this year? Did life take a turn into a new season for you? Are you in the middle of one, not knowing its outcome? Does that feel unsettling? Me too, on multiple fronts. Many days this year, the Lord has taken me back Read more…

photo of planner and writing materials

Lord, I’m trusting my times are in Your hand

I found myself writing in pencil as I began filling out my 2021 calendar. 2020 taught me, “Don’t use pen!” Why?   “You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life?…You ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that’” (Jas. 4:14-15 Read more…

art autumn autumn leaves beautiful

Lord, we thank You in our trials

As Thanksgiving approaches, we may not be gathering in typical ways. Our tables may not include those normally invited, we may be grieving as we miss those who used to fill the seats, we may not have enough money to feast. Our hearts may be too overwhelmed to feel like Read more…

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God’s Gift of Grace in 2020

If we’ve all learned anything from 2020, we’ve learned that our plans actually submit to the sovereign Lord who orders all things.  The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps (Prov. 16:9). Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that Read more…

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Blessed are the Peacemakers

I detest being in conflict. Relational conflict keeps me up at night. I run past conversations on repeat in my mind, ruminate on words I might say tomorrow, and kick myself with guilt for what I did or didn’t say today. When someone disagrees with me, my knee-jerk response is to Read more…

God Knows

I’ve realized that we teachers continually gaze to future. We create broad learning outcomes for students in our care and then artistically sculpt logical and detailed plans for every month, week and day. We become creators, molders, shapers, and potters who can visualize future beauty in each student as we Read more…

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