macro shot photography of tea candles

Abiding in the Joy and Love of Jesus at Christmas

As we celebrate Jesus’ first coming this Christmas, we’re celebrating love. Love incarnated! The Lord of heaven and earth became human.  Yes, He was born to die for us. What an undeserved and gracious gift of His love for sinners like you and me. It’s astounding. Lately, I’ve also been Read more…

red lighted candle

Emmanuel in my “Already and Not Yet” this Christmas

As God’s people waited for Messiah after Malachi’s prophecies, they heard no new words from God…for about 400 years. They thought God’s blessing would come after they’d restored the temple, but it didn’t come for many generations.  Had He abandoned them into darkness? Were their prayers falling on deaf ears?  Read more…

old castle on rocky cliff

Battle Fear with Praise to God

David’s Psalm 56 song lyrics resonate with me when I battle serious illness symptoms and have fearful thoughts of “what if.” David was afraid of what might happen because, practically based on his human understanding, his enemies would likely kill him (1 Sam. 21).  David’s lyrics acknowledge our very real Read more…

crop mother washing hands of child in bathroom

Interrupt Our Suffering by Serving Others in Love

This week, one of our sisters here at “Singing Christ’s Hope” has written something beautiful for all of us to ponder. Here are words of Heather Hooks, sharing her perspective: I have a radical idea – what if we interrupt our suffering by worshipping God? And what if that worship Read more…

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Singing Christ’s Hope Into Your Suffering

Many have asked me to share more about what the Lord did for me in the 90’s. I hesitate to share personal stories, but on this “anniversary” week, I will. You have a story too! Let’s all glorify God by telling stories of His work in our lives as believers. Read more…

woman looking towards the sky

Praising Our Sovereign God Into Depression

I wondered about the author of this hymn’s lyrics (God Moves in a Mysterious Way, Cowper, W., 1773). What happened in this believer’s life? His mother died when he was six. He fell in love but wasn’t allowed to marry her. He went to law school but couldn’t handle the Read more…

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