baby foot

God is…compassionate and strong

My God, I’m feeling so much like Job today. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet. I have no rest, but trouble comes. I need Your help and strength just for basic life tasks. How can I get through today?  “Day by day, and with each passing moment,” Read more…

Near to God by Lauri A. Hogle

You are worthy of my praise, Lord

God, I come to You in moments of despair and stress as I walk through this fallen world’s deep suffering. It’s exhausting, so I’m battling the enemy’s insidious lies just as Jesus did. Your Word is Your offensive weapon (Eph. 6). So, help me cling to Your Word’s truths about Read more…

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Find hope in hope-“less” times of suffering

Father, I feel less hope today, hope-“less” as I suffer. You know this is normal when suffering brings constant turmoil. Throughout the ages, Your people have sung to You in hope-“less” times of suffering. Please help me to find hope in Your Word, God. Please give me hope in the Read more…

silhouette of person standing beside cross during sunset

Praising My Savior, Jesus Christ!

God, I cherish Your name as my Savior (Is. 43:11; Hos. 13:4). Into my suffering today, please remind me of Your love story in my Savior, Jesus Christ. Chapter 1: Creation and Fall In the beginning of the love story, You declared everything in Your creation as “very good” (Gen. Read more…

a girl with curly hair praying

I’m a Child of the King!

Lord God Almighty, I “hallow” You today, acknowledging that You are the Lord and King, thrice holy and set apart, pure, sacred, and perfect. There is no sin in You, unlike all earthly parents. I pray for so many to become believers, for anyone still living in our inborn sin Read more…

woman looking at sunset

Help me, for You are my Help and Comfort

God, sometimes my prayers are simply, “Help me.” You tell me You are my Helper, in the person of the Holy Spirit. What a gift of Your grace to me! I come to You now, so weak and needing Your help. Spirit of God, descend upon my heart;  wean it Read more…

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Praying to the great I AM, Alpha and Omega

Lord Jesus Christ, when suffering overwhelms me, I must remember how big You are.  I am the Alpha and the Omega…who is and who was and who is come, the Almighty (Rev. 1:8 ESV). Jesus, You are I AM. You are self-existent, constant, and You always accomplish Your purposes. You Read more…

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Help me to be patient, Lord

My patient Father, I’m coming to You today as I ponder the beautiful Hebrew word for patient… ”longsuffering.” My suffering feels so long right now. So, please grant me Your longsuffering patience right now, into my impatience. Amid continual trouble, please help me to be patient as Galatians 5 fruit Read more…

flock of sheep on green gras field

I praise and trust You as my Provider, Lord

Father, I remember Abraham’s anguish. You’d told him to kill his beloved son, as a burnt offering. “Where is the lamb, Dad?” Abraham encouraged his son with the trust You gave him, “God will provide for himself the lamb.” You had promised that You would create Your own people through Read more…

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You are my strength, my God who is strong

Loving Father, I can’t do this. I’ve overwhelmed. Burdened. I can’t take it much longer.  But You understand, God. Your Word is filled with cries just like mine.  For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself (2 Cor. 1:8 ESV, emphasis added). My soul melts Read more…

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