horseshoe bend photo

Soldier of Christ? Arise in and through our suffering!

In this week’s one-year anniversary of brain surgery, I am in awe of what our Lord and King has done. I’m alive! Hallelujah! Beloved in Christ, it’s far grander than His kind gift of so much physical healing. It’s way more holistic and weighty than that. I can only describe what Read more…

boat out at sea at dusk

God knows what is best for my suffering loved one

A mighty fortress is our God,a bulwark never failing;our helper he, amid the floodof mortal ills prevailing. (“A Mighty Fortress,” Luther, M., 1529) Mortal ills and storms of life in this fallen world, raging temptations to sin, all of us desperately needing God’s help. Here’s one of the greatest of Read more…

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When we feel like nothing, and no one is helpful in battles, we need our Helper 

I opened my phone, and social media tore into me. Memes complaining about “the world,” suffering and sin, and Scriptures meant to warn unbelievers wrecked my already-aching heart. When I realized I was suddenly feeling condemned and wallowing in “self” thoughts, I knew…these people’s posts were not helpful. When we Read more…

christian cross surrounded by daffodils

Amazing love! How can it be? 

Amazing love! How can it be  that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? (“And Can It Be,” Wesley, C., 1738) Lord Jesus, we come to You in this holiest of weeks, with its emotional downs and ups. As we hear each story, help us to remember that things were Read more…

eyeglasses and cross on an open book

Praying God’s great and precious promises into suffering

I woke up at 3 am, writhing in severe pain with a cascade of symptoms within this past year’s ongoing medical treatment. Stumbling to the kitchen, into my agony, fears, loneliness, and darkness, the coffee cup’s Biblical promise made its way through my tears and into my heart.  “The LORD Read more…

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