person holding hand

Keep. Yourself. In. the Love of God. Waiting.

Has God ever slowed you way down as you read His Word? His Spirit gently nudges me into this slow-motion encouragement, many days! One day, I was overwhelmed by my body’s pain alongside the incessantly fear-full noise of the news, the divisive slander of Christians against one another, and the Read more…

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Peace in the storms of anxiety

My chronic illnesses and brainstem herniation boiled into a raging storm seven months ago. Each day held so many moments of scary health crisis that I continually asked God to keep me physically safe during the hours my husband had to work. After my beautifully care-giving husband helped me get Read more…

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Being careful of our songs as we suffer

I need to share something weighing heavy in my heart, out of great love and concern for my fellow sufferers. When we’re burdened by trials, we must be especially careful of our songs and ask God to help us choose them wisely, as prayers…because the nature of music itself causes Read more…

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Taking every thought captive for life and peace

How are your thoughts running these days? I was talking with a precious younger sister in Christ who’s suffering with much illness and loss. On top of it all, she was running the tape of a recent conversation over and over in her thoughts. A few critical comments from someone Read more…

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Casting all our anxiety on Jesus, our healer

Suffering is scary. A road of suffering often twists with crisis after crisis and brings sleepless nights as we battle with darkness. It all can foster fears of every scenario that our brilliant minds can concoct. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Job felt it. On top of his kids’ sudden death, Read more…

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