photo of cross in an ocean during dawn

Singing “Hallelujah, What a Savior!” Into Suffering

In this holiest of weeks, we “survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died.” I don’t cry often, but in my physical pain a few days ago, I wept when I re-realized how willingly Jesus submitted Himself to immense pain, torturous suffering, and surpassing agonies of complete Read more…

big wooden cross on green grass field under the white clouds

Weary soul? Come to Jesus for satisfaction

Are you weary today? Maybe you’re like me and chronic illness has brought fatigue and pain. Or are you weary of caring for your family in this ever-changing and despairing world? Weary of the fallen world? Tired of it all? Maybe you’re suffering with a sin-sick soul, weary of your Read more…

green mountain

A Song of Joy When I’m Broken

Do you feel broken today? Wounded? How could my broken body, broken emotions, broken life be one that sings with joy right now? In this ultra-broken world? As we walk wounded, perhaps the song is a quiet one that someone else needs to lead for us, like the flutist. And Read more…


When I’m suffering in darkness, God is my light

Are you suffering in darkness, walking through dark days? On a recent dark day filled with pain-full moments, the Lord gently reminded me that He who created my days (Ps. 139:16) also created light and darkness, sun and moon (Gen. 1:5, 14). His power spoke them into existence and He Read more…

baked bread

Great is Thy Faithfulness

I woke up with pain and fatigue as if I’d never slept. The computer screamed at me with work to do and the headlines blared loud whining about worldly troubles. How quickly my discontent and dread of today shot shrapnel into my thoughts. I needed a praise interruption.  Before I Read more…

gray asphalt road surrounded by tall trees

Finding hope when it seems there’s no answer

My knee-jerk reaction to suffering is to research, scrambling for solutions, aiming to find a way to make things feel more comfortable. I want to fix things and quickly. I want an answer. Back when my illness was the worst, my desperation for health had crossed the line into idolatry. Read more…

purple sky

Jesus Has Overcome! Christ is Risen! Victory in Jesus!

Jesus is alive! Hallelujah! What does His resurrection mean for us, as we remain on earth with its suffering? The effects of sin, evil, our enemy Satan, and resulting death can feel so strong when we’re suffering. For me, daily trials mean I’m often bombarded with the enemy’s darts, “what Read more…

purple leaf

In my Sorrow, Sing to the Man of Sorrows

Is today filled with sorrow, beloved? It is for many of us, dear readers. Our Man of Sorrows, our suffering Servant, our Savior Jesus Christ understands our suffering, sadness, and loss.  This week, let’s remember Jesus who is so near to us in our sadness because He is our Man Read more…

snow covered mountain during sunrise

Rest and Strength Beneath the Cross of Jesus

In quietness and in trust shall be your strength (Is. 30:15b ESV). “But Lord,” she cried. “Nothing in my life feels quiet or calm. My life is filled with chaos, this fallen world is filled with chaos and noise. I’m honestly battling the ever-present anxiety that underlies my life circumstances Read more…

rainbow on grass field

Your Love Will Never Let Me Go

It’s a week of love. Valentine’s Day celebrated it and the beginning of Lent points us to Love crucified.  “But how could I be suffering so much if God loves me?” Sometimes our enemy forces this secret question into our pain. In that same experience of anguish, the blind hymnwriter Read more…

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