the book of psalms in the bible

Resisting when Satan tempts us, in our suffering

Suffering is prime time for our enemy to tempt us to sin. We’re tempted to doubt what God says about Himself in His Word. If we’re suffering, how can God be good?  We’re tempted to doubt the gospel is true…are we really saved? If we’re suffering, how could He love Read more…

white clouds

The complete power of our Savior and Lord!

My Bible reading plan currently involves alternating between the books of Job and Revelation. This is tremendous encouragement as I deal with ongoing suffering and our enemy’s temptations. Just as with Job, when suffering is intense, we’re also dealing with spiritual warfare. For the next two weeks, I’m asking God Read more…

photography of pool near fence

Do you want to be healed?

When Jesus saw him lying by the pool, He asked: Do you want to be healed or “made whole?”  The man at the pool had suffered from chronic illness and disability… for 38 years…  desperately seeking to feel better… likely fighting daily with self-pity and hopeless angst. In such compassion, Read more…

person holding a stencil

Praising our Savior for His victory as we suffer

Father God, even as we rejoice in our Savior’s resurrection, sometimes our suffering so overwhelms us that we can hardly pray or read Your Word. Yet, You know we desperately need Your Word’s truths as we suffer. Strengthen and encourage us, just as You did other disciples of Jesus in Read more…

christian cross surrounded by daffodils

Amazing love! How can it be? 

Amazing love! How can it be  that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? (“And Can It Be,” Wesley, C., 1738) Lord Jesus, we come to You in this holiest of weeks, with its emotional downs and ups. As we hear each story, help us to remember that things were Read more…

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Lord, I know. Rest me.

Precious Lord, Take my hand. I come to You weary. Help me to sing today. I need no other argument,  I need no other plea, it is enough that Jesus died,  and that he died for me.  (“MY FAITH HAS FOUND A RESTING PLACE,” EDMUNDS, L. H., 1891)  Who shall bring any charge against God’s Read more…

white goat kid on grass

Knowing Jesus suffered for me…and suffers with me

When bouts of electric shocks fired into my body, with violently convulsing pain, I couldn’t think but only endure. When they subsided, I always melted with gratitude to our Savior, who suffered with me.  Can you imagine His raw and exposed nerves struck by scourges? Can you imagine the physical Read more…

aerial view of a city

Singing the gospel when I’m afraid 

Father, The deceiver tempts us to fear that You’re punishing us when we suffer. When the hits keep coming, and we read the words of the Old Covenant, we’re easily afraid it’s our fault. We must not be doing enough to “earn” Your favor. Our accuser tempts us to think Read more…

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Clinging to hope in God’s purposes as I suffer, like Jesus

Father,  It’s Your promise.  Please strengthen our hearts by fixing our eyes on Jesus today. Help us cling to hope in Your always-good purposes for Your beloved in Christ, as we suffer. For it can seem like there are no good purposes for our earthly suffering. But Your Word gives Read more…

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When people don’t understand our suffering, we have our Friend

Job’s friends started well. They visited to “show him sympathy and comfort him” (Job 2:11). They mourned with him; they wordlessly sat with him, “for they saw that his suffering was very great” (Job 2:13). Maybe they didn’t know what to say?  Job himself was the “first to speak,” honestly sharing Read more…

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