round silver colored chronograph watch

How can we face a New Year? One hour at a time

I recently came to our Father with the pain of my suffering sisters in Christ as we live in this fallen world…cancer and chronic illness, depression and anxiety, financial and job pressures, loneliness and losses, death and grief, persecution, pains in motherhood and marriage, constant woundings of others… ”Oh Father, Read more…

boat out at sea at dusk

God knows what is best for my suffering loved one

A mighty fortress is our God,a bulwark never failing;our helper he, amid the floodof mortal ills prevailing. (“A Mighty Fortress,” Luther, M., 1529) Mortal ills and storms of life in this fallen world, raging temptations to sin, all of us desperately needing God’s help. Here’s one of the greatest of Read more…

person carrying child wearing white top

Releasing into joy, in my dread of suffering

Why do I assume that tomorrow will bring more suffering?  Even if it did, why would I assume that I couldn’t possess any joy?  Maybe I need to simply ask God for His Spirit’s promised fruit of joy, to release my imagined assumptions. Who am I to predict what tomorrow Read more…

the book of psalms in the bible

Resisting when Satan tempts us, in our suffering

Suffering is prime time for our enemy to tempt us to sin. We’re tempted to doubt what God says about Himself in His Word. If we’re suffering, how can God be good?  We’re tempted to doubt the gospel is true…are we really saved? If we’re suffering, how could He love Read more…

crop harvester with fresh eggplants in box

Spirit of God, teach me the patience of unanswered prayer

Friends are lovingly encouraging me to “be patient” when I get my hopes up and then end up feeling discouraged and disappointed in this rehab and recovery time. It’s a waiting time, one step forward, two steps back. It’s one of “longsuffering,” God’s word for “patience.” Are you waiting for Read more…

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Being careful of our songs as we suffer

I need to share something weighing heavy in my heart, out of great love and concern for my fellow sufferers. When we’re burdened by trials, we must be especially careful of our songs and ask God to help us choose them wisely, as prayers…because the nature of music itself causes Read more…

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I am suffering, but Jesus is my hope

Lord, I come to You in my suffering today, fighting the lie that believers don’t need to experience suffering on earth. When we “writhe in pain” daily (Job 15:20), this lie easily tempts us to discouragement, bitterness, and despair. Job fought this lie. But You tenderly tell Your suffering and Read more…

ski tracks on snow on sunny winter day

All things new in the New Year

Father, As the New Year approaches, I praise You for Your promise to “make all things new.” This promise refers to the gloriously planned day when You will restore all things into a new heaven and earth (Is. 65:17; Rev. 21)! This is my sure hope! I’ll live in a Read more…

star shaped christmas lights

Peace in suffering at Christmas…in the gospel of Christ

We’ve flipped the calendar and here we are, entering Advent. So, we begin to sing the old familiar hymn… Hark! the herald angels sing,“Glory to the newborn King!” (“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” Wesley, C., 1739) “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” (Lk. Read more…

red lighted candle

Emmanuel in my “Already and Not Yet” this Christmas

As God’s people waited for Messiah after Malachi’s prophecies, they heard no new words from God…for about 400 years. They thought God’s blessing would come after they’d restored the temple, but it didn’t come for many generations.  Had He abandoned them into darkness? Were their prayers falling on deaf ears?  Read more…

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