christian cross surrounded by daffodils

Amazing love! How can it be? 

Amazing love! How can it be  that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? (“And Can It Be,” Wesley, C., 1738) Lord Jesus, we come to You in this holiest of weeks, with its emotional downs and ups. As we hear each story, help us to remember that things were Read more…

white and pink box

Lord, YOU are my righteousness. Hallelujah!

Father, I come today so weary. Feeling alone and discouraged. Feeling so unrighteous as I hunger and thirst for righteousness, amid my hardship right now. You compassionately understand our deep need for You and have given us so many promises in Your Word. Thank You. You even encouraged Your people Read more…

baby s feet on brown wicker basket

Your promises fulfilled! Hope as I suffer at Christmas!

Lord Jesus, You came. You condescended to earthly flesh, incarnating as a human. You, the Word made flesh, the Creator and sustainer of all things, holy and majestic God the Son…came. We bow before You today, in awe of who You are. Lo, within a manger lieshe who built the Read more…

green trees

Help me to see Jesus this Christmas, promised from eternal years

See the tender Lamb, promised from eternal years. This week’s hymn beckons us to see Jesus, the promised Savior and Messiah. It reminds us of our own redemption, through this tender Lamb. Beloved in Christ, let’s remember God’s glorious love story toward us, for so many of His promises have Read more…

assorted gift boxes on red surface

Trusting in God’s timing at Christmas

Lord, I’m constantly waiting as I suffer. Thing is…do I trust Your timing? Your people were waiting. The last words they’d heard from You in Malachi had been 400 years before, roughly twenty generations. They doubted Your love, couldn’t see their own sin, wondered why You weren’t intervening in injustices, Read more…

silhouette of person standing beside cross during sunset

Praising My Savior, Jesus Christ!

God, I cherish Your name as my Savior (Is. 43:11; Hos. 13:4). Into my suffering today, please remind me of Your love story in my Savior, Jesus Christ. Chapter 1: Creation and Fall In the beginning of the love story, You declared everything in Your creation as “very good” (Gen. Read more…

ocean water

Take heart, I have overcome the world

I wonder what they were singing. They’d been attacked by the crowds, stripped naked, beaten, thrown into prison, and fastened into stocks.  About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them (Acts 16:25).  Which hymns? What were the lyrics? Did Read more…

brown rock formation

Rock of Ages, cleft for me

Majestic jagged rocks scraped the clouds. My granddaughter explained, “Nana, these rocks were here a billion million years ago!” Oh yes, they’ve endured, standing firm when heavy wind, storms, and droughts beat strong. I imagined Biblical lands where people found shelter in rocky crevices. Rocks shaded people from blazing heat Read more…

brown wooden dock

Help me to praise You when I don’t feel happy, God

When life’s suffering brings us to our knees, we need God’s help in many ways. If you’re like me, emotions quickly cloud my thoughts. I need His help. Praising God in the midst of pain somehow doesn’t feel emotionally authentic. Am I feeling emotionally happy when I’m in physical agony? Read more…