yellow string lights

God’s comfort? We belong to the Lord Jesus Christ!

For weeks, Handel’s Messiah has burst into my thoughts, throughout the day! I’ve had the joy of singing, playing, and conducting it multiple times…any music studied carefully for performance is part of our very being! But this year, it’s way bigger than the music. It’s God’s comforting soul care as I suffer. Read more…

eyeglass with gold colored frames

Need strength for today? Afflicted saint, to Christ, draw near

Into my utter exhaustion one afternoon, I read God’s promise,  “As your days, your strength shall be” (Deut. 33:25),  and this song immediately came to mind once again.  Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near,The Savior’s gracious promise hear;His faithful word declares to thee,That as thy days, thy strength shall be. Read more…

an eagle flying in the sky

Lord, please give me “Be still, my soul” patience

As grief overwhelmed me, I lost my patience. Anger welled up and had to be honestly released with a shout. Shrouded in loss and shocked by my unusually loud reaction, I asked God to help me see what lay beneath my tear-full explosion.  My anguish had started with an unexpected Read more…

bonfire at night

Finding courage! God is redeeming this suffering, purified gold in the fire

Are your hard days becoming hard years of a hard life? As we both look ahead, let’s find courage as we pray together, for God is redeeming our suffering.  God’s redeeming work of grace Father, I continually cherish Your rescuing gift of saving grace. My blessed Redeemer gave Himself for Read more…

person carrying child wearing white top

Releasing into joy, in my dread of suffering

Why do I assume that tomorrow will bring more suffering?  Even if it did, why would I assume that I couldn’t possess any joy?  Maybe I need to simply ask God for His Spirit’s promised fruit of joy, to release my imagined assumptions. Who am I to predict what tomorrow Read more…

crop harvester with fresh eggplants in box

Spirit of God, teach me the patience of unanswered prayer

Friends are lovingly encouraging me to “be patient” when I get my hopes up and then end up feeling discouraged and disappointed in this rehab and recovery time. It’s a waiting time, one step forward, two steps back. It’s one of “longsuffering,” God’s word for “patience.” Are you waiting for Read more…


My life has fruit-bearing purpose, even in suffering

As my brain surgery continues to heal, I’ve had moments when I’ve asked God, “Why am I still here? How can I love and serve You if my body can’t ‘do’ what it used to? How can I be fruit-bearing if I’m differently-abled?” I’ve felt worth…”less,” wondering about my purpose, Read more…

lake surrounded with mountains

Longing for home, the promised land, O Christ, our hope

Some days, we desperately yearn for suffering to end. With the Psalmists, we cry, “How long, oh Lord?” In those moments, God reminds me…we’re actually longing for home. What a kind Father to give us details of the end of every ache and loss, hope for reaching His promised land. Read more…

white and pink box

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! God’s gift of grace!

My heart broke when I saw her post, changing the lyrics of this hymn, saddened by what had become her angered unbelief in God’s gift of grace in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Suffering rattles our trust in Him, doesn’t it? Oh, how we all need God’s amazing grace, offered Read more…

aerial view of a city

Singing the gospel when I’m afraid 

Father, The deceiver tempts us to fear that You’re punishing us when we suffer. When the hits keep coming, and we read the words of the Old Covenant, we’re easily afraid it’s our fault. We must not be doing enough to “earn” Your favor. Our accuser tempts us to think Read more…

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