grayscale photo of people raising their hands

Being careful of our songs as we suffer

I need to share something weighing heavy in my heart, out of great love and concern for my fellow sufferers. When we’re burdened by trials, we must be especially careful of our songs and ask God to help us choose them wisely, as prayers…because the nature of music itself causes Read more…

'Simply to thy cross I

Healing beneath the cross of Jesus 

Jesus Christ, In this holiest of weeks, focusing on what You’ve done for me, I seek healing beneath the cross of Jesus.  I cannot relax or be calm; I have no rest, for turmoil has come (Job 3:26 CSB). The words of Job echo mine as I suffer. But they Read more…

woman looking at sunset

Jesus, “I Need Thee Every Hour” of chronic illness

Physical suffering brings tears and fears. Up at night, we join Job in turning to God: “My heart is heavy on account of my groaning” (Job 23:2) “and now my soul is poured out within me; days of affliction have taken hold of me. The night racks my bones, and Read more…

people summer sun sign

Jesus, Your name is sweet, as I suffer

I’ve begged God for healing over many years of progressively worsening illness, so Job feels like a fellow chronic illness friend to me. He dealt with chronic pain and visible skin issues that were itchy, infected, and gross. He had no appetite and lost weight, with fevers and breathing challenges. Read more…

ski tracks on snow on sunny winter day

All things new in the New Year

Father, As the New Year approaches, I praise You for Your promise to “make all things new.” This promise refers to the gloriously planned day when You will restore all things into a new heaven and earth (Is. 65:17; Rev. 21)! This is my sure hope! I’ll live in a Read more…

red leaf trees near the road

A Thanksgiving prayer into evil times

Father, It’s a week of thanksgiving, but many of us feel so wearied by evil. What can we do but turn to You and Your Word? David’s words to evil enemies become our words, when we ache over pervasive evil around us. We too see the lying work of Your Read more…

blue and green sky and mountain

“Fear God” in Worship When I’m Afraid

Lord, when we fear what might happen, help us to exalt You. Remind us who You are, stir us to reverently worship You, and keep us in rightful awe of Your unchanging character. This “fear of God” also soothes our fears as we walk into the scary things ahead. Why? Read more…

scenic photo of waterfalls during daytime

Into my grief, “Hallelujah, what a Savior”

Oh Father, I am grieving today. Loss surrounds me.  My dreams, my plans,  my abilities, my desires. Those I love,  things I love, experiences I love. I am allotted months of emptiness, and nights of misery are apportioned to me (Job 7:3 ESV). Like Job, it feels like loss is Read more…

woman wearing gray long sleeved shirt and black black bottoms outfit sitting on gray wooden picnic table facing towards calm body of water at daytime

Looking to the love of Jesus as I suffer

Lord, Job’s words match my sighs, my groans, my losses.  My sighing comes instead of my bread, and my groanings are poured out like water. For the thing that I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me (Job 3:24-25 ESV). I’m slogging through today, Father. Things seem to be worsening. I can’t Read more…

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God is…compassionate and strong

My God, I’m feeling so much like Job today. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet. I have no rest, but trouble comes. I need Your help and strength just for basic life tasks. How can I get through today?  “Day by day, and with each passing moment,” Read more…

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