low angle photography of brown wooden dock at golden house

Healing from God, in the middle of our suffering

Cowper’s lyrics resonate deeply with me. He knew chronic suffering well, experiencing much loss and grief, with lifelong severe depression, attempted suicides, and anxiety.  I’m praying that his “praise interruption” with its Scriptural truth becomes a surprising light of healing and hope from God for you today. As with Cowper Read more…

three red heart decors

A crisis of faith, a bursting of love

God has woven some underlying themes into my 35 years of suffering from chronic illness and pain, much like themes in a sonata. As I read my prayer journals, one theme has been the ongoing need to believe the gospel…daily.  I see the subtle spiritual warfare and temptation of the Read more…

close up photo of a woman listening to music

Singing Christ’s hope when chronic pain and illnesses abound

Lists of uncontrollable symptoms. Adding-up ailments. Incurable. Chronic. Pain. Whack-a-mole managing. You too? I’m so thankful my husband drives us to church to worship and praise our Lord with our church family. Sometimes, I’m sitting in agony, but God always fills me with His strengthening love among His people.  As Read more…

yellow bokeh lights

The angels’ Christmas song points us to our Good Shepherd

Of course it was frightening, for it seemed like just another normal evening to those shepherds. Taking turns on the night shift, watching for threatening attacks, guarding each individual sheep’s needs, and constantly wrestling with the natural elements. Exhausting, longing, waiting on God, loss, fear.  Was life in this fallen Read more…

warm candlelight with flickering flame

Singing to Jesus by name in a suffering Christmas

We love the names of Jesus, don’t we? Christmas songs are filled with them, echoing God’s Word. They remind us of God’s unchanging character, on display in His incarnated person, God the Son.  This week, our playlist gift is sing-praying the names of Jesus, singing to Jesus by name in Read more…

photo of woman lying in hospital bed

Sweet comfort from God, to endure more suffering

Have you ever wondered how much more you could possibly endure?  I had that moment recently. Hooked up to beeping machines in the hospital, tears welled up. I felt like such a burden to others in my weakness. Stuck, dependent, weary, unable, overwhelmed. In desperate need of our Helper once Read more…

boat out at sea at dusk

God knows what is best for my suffering loved one

A mighty fortress is our God,a bulwark never failing;our helper he, amid the floodof mortal ills prevailing. (“A Mighty Fortress,” Luther, M., 1529) Mortal ills and storms of life in this fallen world, raging temptations to sin, all of us desperately needing God’s help. Here’s one of the greatest of Read more…

an elderly man consoling a woman

Bringing our emotions to the feet of Jesus

God made us emotional beings, housed in a body with a cognitive brain that thinks and an emotional brain that simultaneously “feels.”  Beloved in Christ, God not only understands our emotions, but He created us with physical brains… that automatically have them.  Many faithful and mature children of God (e.g., Read more…

cross during sunset

As I suffer, am I trying to “be God?”

My heart is in agony, and I have to share. Thousands have written me, having been taught that if we “do” things a certain way, God “has to” remove suffering and give us “favor,” as a reward for our works. Beloved, do you see the pride and pain this brings? It’s making ourselves into gods above Him. Read more…

woman praying

Giving my litany of losses to my Lord of love

Lord of love, Job cried his litany of losses to You with honesty, in lament. In grief. In depression. I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul (Job 7:11 ESV).  He told You everything he’s feeling, echoing lament songs You’ve given Read more…

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