clouds and blue sky

Can you imagine the singing at God’s throne? Hallelujah!

We’ve recently pondered the different Hebrew words for our word, “praise,” realizing that praise to God doesn’t always mean we bubble over with happy emotional feelings. But there is one word that’s over-the-top, joy-filled, saturated with exuberant praise. The book of Revelation gives us beautiful details, offering us hope as Read more…

cross with light

Praising Jesus for His power when I’m afraid

Does it seem like the powers of this world are taking over? Is fear nagging under the surface of your thoughts? We do not need to be afraid, believer. Easter actually happened, right?! Jesus is alive and reigning as King right now, and He is fulfilling His kingdom purposes right Read more…

red and green mistletoe decoration

Jesus, You are our King and Friend this Christmas

Merry Christmas, dear friends! Some of you have written to tell me you’re singing “O Holy Night” daily, even though it’s a challenging song to sing! You know, the Lord delights to hear us sing even if we don’t like how we sound. In Song of Solomon 2:14 (ESV), He says,  Read more…

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