woman wearing white top

Joy in the truth of the gospel!

What a mess. My heart breaks by what I see on social media these days…people judge others’ heart motives and force their personal “if-then” ideas. They echo themes of the book of Job, such painful destruction on top of his grief, financial loss, and chronic illness. Job’s “friends” accuse him Read more…

person carrying child wearing white top

Releasing into joy, in my dread of suffering

Why do I assume that tomorrow will bring more suffering?  Even if it did, why would I assume that I couldn’t possess any joy?  Maybe I need to simply ask God for His Spirit’s promised fruit of joy, to release my imagined assumptions. Who am I to predict what tomorrow Read more…

eyeglasses and cross on an open book

Praying God’s great and precious promises into suffering

I woke up at 3 am, writhing in severe pain with a cascade of symptoms within this past year’s ongoing medical treatment. Stumbling to the kitchen, into my agony, fears, loneliness, and darkness, the coffee cup’s Biblical promise made its way through my tears and into my heart.  “The LORD Read more…

photo of person lying down on beach

Singing Christ’s hope and love into depression

It drove me deeper and deeper into hopeless agony. Although no one knew it, I was suffering from depression, comorbid with years of undiagnosed chronic illness. My body was falling apart, with organ systems dysfunctioning and continual, severe pain. My ability to cope as a young wife and mother became Read more…

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