beads cross prayer rosary

Good news in the midst of my suffering

We ache for good news in medical challenges. We pray for good outcomes to the hardships our kids and grandkids are experiencing. We grieve when good things disappear. We live in a fallen and fearful world in which sin and resulting suffering affect everything.  We need good news, don’t we? Read more…

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How can God be good if this is happening to me?

Perhaps this is one of the deepest universal questions, driving us into cognitive dissonance when suffering lingers. When layers of grief and loss take us under, we can barely breathe. We feel like Job. But when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, darkness came (Job Read more…

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Nothing at all can separate me from God’s love

How can a loving God let this happen to me? Including Job and myself, I don’t know one person who’s experienced deep suffering and hasn’t asked this question in moments of pain and despair. As a mature believer, Job lamented to God, “I loathe my life…do not condemn me…I am Read more…

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Preparing for suffering, leaning on the everlasting arms

Father, We’re easily tempted to dread future suffering. Just flipping on the news will do it! We all need Your help. In Isaiah 12, You prepared Your people for upcoming suffering. In their case, You would judge their many years of sinful turning away from You. But You were mercifully Read more…

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Finding hope when I feel hopeless

Lord, I want this pain to end on earth because it’s so difficult. Sometimes, it all makes me feel hopeless. You compassionately understand that feeling, giving us Job’s words to express it: “Where is my hope?” (Job 17:15). Just like when Job’s “plans and desires” were shattered, bringing despair (Job Read more…

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I am suffering, but Jesus is my hope

Lord, I come to You in my suffering today, fighting the lie that believers don’t need to experience suffering on earth. When we “writhe in pain” daily (Job 15:20), this lie easily tempts us to discouragement, bitterness, and despair. Job fought this lie. But You tenderly tell Your suffering and Read more…

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A prayer to help me remember what is true

Heavenly Father, Like with Job in his suffering, the enemy continues his wearying lie, “Did God actually say?” (Genesis 3:1). Moments of doubt and fear can creep into our thoughts when we’re gripped in the lonely pain of suffering. “Doesn’t suffering mean that my faith has failed? That I have Read more…

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All things new in the New Year

Father, As the New Year approaches, I praise You for Your promise to “make all things new.” This promise refers to the gloriously planned day when You will restore all things into a new heaven and earth (Is. 65:17; Rev. 21)! This is my sure hope! I’ll live in a Read more…

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Trusting in God’s timing at Christmas

Lord, I’m constantly waiting as I suffer. Thing is…do I trust Your timing? Your people were waiting. The last words they’d heard from You in Malachi had been 400 years before, roughly twenty generations. They doubted Your love, couldn’t see their own sin, wondered why You weren’t intervening in injustices, Read more…

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A Thanksgiving prayer into evil times

Father, It’s a week of thanksgiving, but many of us feel so wearied by evil. What can we do but turn to You and Your Word? David’s words to evil enemies become our words, when we ache over pervasive evil around us. We too see the lying work of Your Read more…

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