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When people don’t understand our suffering, we have our Friend

Job’s friends started well. They visited to “show him sympathy and comfort him” (Job 2:11). They mourned with him; they wordlessly sat with him, “for they saw that his suffering was very great” (Job 2:13). Maybe they didn’t know what to say?  Job himself was the “first to speak,” honestly sharing Read more…

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Lord, YOU are my righteousness. Hallelujah!

Father, I come today so weary. Feeling alone and discouraged. Feeling so unrighteous as I hunger and thirst for righteousness, amid my hardship right now. You compassionately understand our deep need for You and have given us so many promises in Your Word. Thank You. You even encouraged Your people Read more…

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God’s miracle happened before! To God be the glory!

When I tell the story, some respond in awe and praise God. Others scratch their heads, “Maybe He is real and still does miracles.” I’m holding my breath in awe, wonder, and trembling worship. God has done a miracle in my life, twice now. I’m so humbled by His grace Read more…

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A lament of suffering at Christmas, into Love

God rest you merry, gentlemen,let nothing you dismay…Oh tidings of comfort and joy! (“God rest you merry, gentlemen,” p.d.) Yes, we’ve begun the Christmas season with all its “tidings of comfort and joy.” But are you suffering this year, as I am? Does this feel impossible to sing? Is your Read more…

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What is our hope? What is our sure comfort as we suffer?

Father, as I approach brain surgery this week, I thank You for Your hope and comfort. It is Your gift of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ, offered to me and my brothers and sisters who trust in Christ as their Lord and Savior, who may be reading this Read more…

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Thanking God that He promises to hold me fast

Abba Father, I’m clinging to who You are today. Thank You. For You are not only the eternal, sovereign, and holy, holy, holy God of all power and might, but You are always my perfectly loving Father. Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the Read more…

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I know not, but God knows

I’ve had agonizing and tear-full times with God lately. I know not. In my limited human knowledge, I don’t understand why my first brain surgery stopped “working” and why I need to endure so much pain and challenge from another one. Or why things took a sharp turn for the Read more…

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Taking every thought captive for life and peace

How are your thoughts running these days? I was talking with a precious younger sister in Christ who’s suffering with much illness and loss. On top of it all, she was running the tape of a recent conversation over and over in her thoughts. A few critical comments from someone Read more…

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Good news in the midst of my suffering

We ache for good news in medical challenges. We pray for good outcomes to the hardships our kids and grandkids are experiencing. We grieve when good things disappear. We live in a fallen and fearful world in which sin and resulting suffering affect everything.  We need good news, don’t we? Read more…

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How can God be good if this is happening to me?

Perhaps this is one of the deepest universal questions, driving us into cognitive dissonance when suffering lingers. When layers of grief and loss take us under, we can barely breathe. We feel like Job. But when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, darkness came (Job Read more…

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