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Jesus, kind and strong, in my suffering

Lord, the fruit of Your Holy Spirit includes kindness. This is also a facet of Your unchanging character that we easily forget when suffering.  Temptations everywhere annoy, And sins and snares oft make me sigh; My earthly joys are from me torn, And oft an absent God I mourn. (“Remembering Read more…

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How can we face a New Year? One hour at a time

I recently came to our Father with the pain of my suffering sisters in Christ as we live in this fallen world…cancer and chronic illness, depression and anxiety, financial and job pressures, loneliness and losses, death and grief, persecution, pains in motherhood and marriage, constant woundings of others… ”Oh Father, Read more…

photo of woman lying in hospital bed

Sweet comfort from God, to endure more suffering

Have you ever wondered how much more you could possibly endure?  I had that moment recently. Hooked up to beeping machines in the hospital, tears welled up. I felt like such a burden to others in my weakness. Stuck, dependent, weary, unable, overwhelmed. In desperate need of our Helper once Read more…

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God knows what is best for my suffering loved one

A mighty fortress is our God,a bulwark never failing;our helper he, amid the floodof mortal ills prevailing. (“A Mighty Fortress,” Luther, M., 1529) Mortal ills and storms of life in this fallen world, raging temptations to sin, all of us desperately needing God’s help. Here’s one of the greatest of Read more…

the book of psalms in the bible

Resisting when Satan tempts us, in our suffering

Suffering is prime time for our enemy to tempt us to sin. We’re tempted to doubt what God says about Himself in His Word. If we’re suffering, how can God be good?  We’re tempted to doubt the gospel is true…are we really saved? If we’re suffering, how could He love Read more…

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When we feel like nothing, and no one is helpful in battles, we need our Helper 

I opened my phone, and social media tore into me. Memes complaining about “the world,” suffering and sin, and Scriptures meant to warn unbelievers wrecked my already-aching heart. When I realized I was suddenly feeling condemned and wallowing in “self” thoughts, I knew…these people’s posts were not helpful. When we Read more…

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Shining Christ in us, have Thine own way, Lord

Lord, We pray for so much right now. We come to You for help, our loving Abba Father, as believers in Jesus Christ, who is our elder brother. You always hear our prayers just as You heard His, always with us by Your indwelling Holy Spirit (Mt. 28:20, 1 Cor. Read more…

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Take courage, my soul, releasing anxiety to the Lord Jesus

I’m in awe of the powerfully healing work of our loving Lord. He’s compassionately given us many ways to cope with anxiety’s raging symptoms. For they can be particularly strong during (and after) the storms of this fallen world, with its blustering torrents of crisis and changes in our lives. Read more…

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We’ll join the everlasting song!

We just celebrated the power-full victory of our Lord Jesus Christ, risen and reigning! Now, those of us who trust in Jesus for salvation can look forward with hope to our eternal life with Him! We’ll join the everlasting song! If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the Read more…

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God’s presence and promised help as I suffer

Heavenly Father,  You encouraged Your people to be strong, without fear or dread, before they ventured into already-known hardship. Yes, they were entering Your promised land, but not without “many dangers, toils, and snares.” How could they head into new adventures with courage?  Your promise came true, of course. As Read more…

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