woman in white sweater and blue denim jeans praying on bed

How to sing the Lord’s song when we’re suffering

Is your landscape starting to look foreign? With head-spinning changes, escalating evil all around, pervasive hardship, and seemingly impossible suffering? I’ve had that kind of week as I write this. Many of us have. Psalms 137 and 138 have been the Lord’s gift to me this week.  God’s people, exiled Read more…

purple leaf

In my Sorrow, Sing to the Man of Sorrows

Is today filled with sorrow, beloved? It is for many of us, dear readers. Our Man of Sorrows, our suffering Servant, our Savior Jesus Christ understands our suffering, sadness, and loss.  This week, let’s remember Jesus who is so near to us in our sadness because He is our Man Read more…

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