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Jesus, kind and strong, in my suffering

Lord, the fruit of Your Holy Spirit includes kindness. This is also a facet of Your unchanging character that we easily forget when suffering.  Temptations everywhere annoy, And sins and snares oft make me sigh; My earthly joys are from me torn, And oft an absent God I mourn. (“Remembering Read more…

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Reigning King Jesus, give us a peaceful and quiet life, as You put new leaders in place

I’m writing this three weeks before America’s election of new government leaders, another historical transition. No matter who wins, some people will be disappointed and frightened of what is to come. Many of my subscribing sisters in Christ live in nations with deeply corrupt governments. They’ve already learned the practical Read more…

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Give yourself grace…the wonderful grace of Jesus

My compassionate doctor kindly encouraged me, “Give yourself grace.” Needing more rehab, more medication, more rest? Her words were God’s gift of grace, melting away a burden I’d been feeling.  “Give myself grace” when my body, mind, and spirit endure ongoing suffering. As God continues His holistically healing work, He Read more…

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“Being,” in Jesus Christ, as “doing,” with Jesus Christ

I felt defeated, discouraged, guilty, lazy. Unable to “do” what I’d planned. Letting others down. Now, nine months after my second chiari malformation brain surgery but still rehabilitating, I’d forgotten that I may look “fine” and I’m able to “do” at times, but other times? I just…can’t. Those times come Read more…

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God leads His dear children along, all the way through

As my brain’s slumping out of the skull worsened with its body-systemic symptoms last fall, our Good Shepherd Jesus Christ came so near with His love songs, ones filled with praise and adoration to Him. Although I could rarely physically read my Bible, I heard His tender voice of comforting Read more…

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The complete power of our Savior and Lord!

My Bible reading plan currently involves alternating between the books of Job and Revelation. This is tremendous encouragement as I deal with ongoing suffering and our enemy’s temptations. Just as with Job, when suffering is intense, we’re also dealing with spiritual warfare. For the next two weeks, I’m asking God Read more…

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Spirit of God, teach me the patience of unanswered prayer

Friends are lovingly encouraging me to “be patient” when I get my hopes up and then end up feeling discouraged and disappointed in this rehab and recovery time. It’s a waiting time, one step forward, two steps back. It’s one of “longsuffering,” God’s word for “patience.” Are you waiting for Read more…

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When we feel like nothing, and no one is helpful in battles, we need our Helper 

I opened my phone, and social media tore into me. Memes complaining about “the world,” suffering and sin, and Scriptures meant to warn unbelievers wrecked my already-aching heart. When I realized I was suddenly feeling condemned and wallowing in “self” thoughts, I knew…these people’s posts were not helpful. When we Read more…

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Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! God’s gift of grace!

My heart broke when I saw her post, changing the lyrics of this hymn, saddened by what had become her angered unbelief in God’s gift of grace in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Suffering rattles our trust in Him, doesn’t it? Oh, how we all need God’s amazing grace, offered Read more…

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Lord, I know. Rest me.

Precious Lord, Take my hand. I come to You weary. Help me to sing today. I need no other argument,  I need no other plea, it is enough that Jesus died,  and that he died for me.  (“MY FAITH HAS FOUND A RESTING PLACE,” EDMUNDS, L. H., 1891)  Who shall bring any charge against God’s Read more…

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