photo of child reading holy bible

Taking every thought captive for life and peace

How are your thoughts running these days? I was talking with a precious younger sister in Christ who’s suffering with much illness and loss. On top of it all, she was running the tape of a recent conversation over and over in her thoughts. A few critical comments from someone Read more…

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Standing firm in the reign of Jesus

The news commentator said it aloud, “This is scaring me.” You too? As lawlessness escalates around us and tribulations squeeze us personally, our loving God gives us His Word to help us endure, to “courage-into” us with hope as His believing children.  The whole of God’s Word sheds His light Read more…

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Comfort from our all-powerful God

Am I being attacked by Satan when I suffer? The evil of suffering becomes horrifically frightening when we wonder if God is powerful over evil and Satan. Let’s battle Satan’s lies together! Because our enemy wants us to think he’s as powerful as God. Let’s find great comfort from our Read more…

woman in white shirt standing on gray rock near body of water

Praise rises in hope, “Before the Throne of God Above”

I begin to flail if I dwell in the quicksand of swirling stress as I suffer. I can hardly breathe if I get sucked down into fear of what could happen in this fallen world. If I continually replay my losses and agonies in my thoughts, I’m mired in depths Read more…

'Simply to thy cross I

Healing beneath the cross of Jesus 

Jesus Christ, In this holiest of weeks, focusing on what You’ve done for me, I seek healing beneath the cross of Jesus.  I cannot relax or be calm; I have no rest, for turmoil has come (Job 3:26 CSB). The words of Job echo mine as I suffer. But they Read more…

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Casting all our anxiety on Jesus, our healer

Suffering is scary. A road of suffering often twists with crisis after crisis and brings sleepless nights as we battle with darkness. It all can foster fears of every scenario that our brilliant minds can concoct. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Job felt it. On top of his kids’ sudden death, Read more…

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Jesus, You were made perfect by Your suffering…for me

Made perfect. Jesus, You were “made perfect through suffering” (Heb. 2:10) even though You were already perfect! You were and are God, the One “for whom and by whom all things exist” (Heb. 2:10). Are You perfecting me through my suffering right now? Maybe thinking about Your suffering for me…will Read more…

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How can this suffering be good?

Father, we sing: The Lord has promised good to me,his Word my hope secures. (“Amazing Grace,” Newton, J., 1779) But sometimes, in the years of suffering, our hearts grieve so much that we cry to You when we sing this. You promised good to me…but how can this suffering be Read more…

beads cross prayer rosary

Good news in the midst of my suffering

We ache for good news in medical challenges. We pray for good outcomes to the hardships our kids and grandkids are experiencing. We grieve when good things disappear. We live in a fallen and fearful world in which sin and resulting suffering affect everything.  We need good news, don’t we? Read more…

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How can God be good if this is happening to me?

Perhaps this is one of the deepest universal questions, driving us into cognitive dissonance when suffering lingers. When layers of grief and loss take us under, we can barely breathe. We feel like Job. But when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, darkness came (Job Read more…

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