round silver colored chronograph watch

How can we face a New Year? One hour at a time

I recently came to our Father with the pain of my suffering sisters in Christ as we live in this fallen world…cancer and chronic illness, depression and anxiety, financial and job pressures, loneliness and losses, death and grief, persecution, pains in motherhood and marriage, constant woundings of others… ”Oh Father, Read more…

yellow bokeh lights

The angels’ Christmas song points us to our Good Shepherd

Of course it was frightening, for it seemed like just another normal evening to those shepherds. Taking turns on the night shift, watching for threatening attacks, guarding each individual sheep’s needs, and constantly wrestling with the natural elements. Exhausting, longing, waiting on God, loss, fear.  Was life in this fallen Read more…

blue and purple sky with stars

It could be awesome!

My friend shared her dread of her chronic illness symptoms crashing into something she had to do the following week. I shared that I dreaded escalating symptoms at an upcoming event, knowing they likely would appear because of its inherent activity. She tried to encourage me, exclaiming, “But it could Read more…

road landscape nature sky

It’s in the hands of such a Friend, Jesus Christ!

Are you facing a crossroads kind of decision today? Me too. Is it overwhelming? Are you also asking God for His wisdom, even as we try to make educated guesses based on our limited human understanding? One of my favorite little choruses sings, “God knows all, God knows best.” As Read more…

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