christian cross surrounded by daffodils

Amazing love! How can it be? 

Amazing love! How can it be  that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? (“And Can It Be,” Wesley, C., 1738) Lord Jesus, we come to You in this holiest of weeks, with its emotional downs and ups. As we hear each story, help us to remember that things were Read more…

'Simply to thy cross I

Healing beneath the cross of Jesus 

Jesus Christ, In this holiest of weeks, focusing on what You’ve done for me, I seek healing beneath the cross of Jesus.  I cannot relax or be calm; I have no rest, for turmoil has come (Job 3:26 CSB). The words of Job echo mine as I suffer. But they Read more…

photo of cross in an ocean during dawn

Singing “Hallelujah, What a Savior!” Into Suffering

In this holiest of weeks, we “survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died.” I don’t cry often, but in my physical pain a few days ago, I wept when I re-realized how willingly Jesus submitted Himself to immense pain, torturous suffering, and surpassing agonies of complete Read more…