hands raised in forest

Chronic pain and stress? Singing praise to God helps!

I’ve learned so much about chronic pain and stress and why singing to God helps! No wonder He compassionately tells us, over and over…. That’s merely one of many Scriptures. He also tells us: So, how is singing praise to God when we suffer His healing BENEFIT to us? Learning about how Read more…

yellow bokeh lights

The angels’ Christmas song points us to our Good Shepherd

Of course it was frightening, for it seemed like just another normal evening to those shepherds. Taking turns on the night shift, watching for threatening attacks, guarding each individual sheep’s needs, and constantly wrestling with the natural elements. Exhausting, longing, waiting on God, loss, fear.  Was life in this fallen Read more…

warm candlelight with flickering flame

Singing to Jesus by name in a suffering Christmas

We love the names of Jesus, don’t we? Christmas songs are filled with them, echoing God’s Word. They remind us of God’s unchanging character, on display in His incarnated person, God the Son.  This week, our playlist gift is sing-praying the names of Jesus, singing to Jesus by name in Read more…

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Soldier of Christ? Arise in and through our suffering!

In this week’s one-year anniversary of brain surgery, I am in awe of what our Lord and King has done. I’m alive! Hallelujah! Beloved in Christ, it’s far grander than His kind gift of so much physical healing. It’s way more holistic and weighty than that. I can only describe what Read more…

boat out at sea at dusk

God knows what is best for my suffering loved one

A mighty fortress is our God,a bulwark never failing;our helper he, amid the floodof mortal ills prevailing. (“A Mighty Fortress,” Luther, M., 1529) Mortal ills and storms of life in this fallen world, raging temptations to sin, all of us desperately needing God’s help. Here’s one of the greatest of Read more…

cross during sunset

As I suffer, am I trying to “be God?”

My heart is in agony, and I have to share. Thousands have written me, having been taught that if we “do” things a certain way, God “has to” remove suffering and give us “favor,” as a reward for our works. Beloved, do you see the pride and pain this brings? It’s making ourselves into gods above Him. Read more…

the book of psalms in the bible

Resisting when Satan tempts us, in our suffering

Suffering is prime time for our enemy to tempt us to sin. We’re tempted to doubt what God says about Himself in His Word. If we’re suffering, how can God be good?  We’re tempted to doubt the gospel is true…are we really saved? If we’re suffering, how could He love Read more…

lake surrounded with mountains

Longing for home, the promised land, O Christ, our hope

Some days, we desperately yearn for suffering to end. With the Psalmists, we cry, “How long, oh Lord?” In those moments, God reminds me…we’re actually longing for home. What a kind Father to give us details of the end of every ache and loss, hope for reaching His promised land. Read more…

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Lord, YOU are my righteousness. Hallelujah!

Father, I come today so weary. Feeling alone and discouraged. Feeling so unrighteous as I hunger and thirst for righteousness, amid my hardship right now. You compassionately understand our deep need for You and have given us so many promises in Your Word. Thank You. You even encouraged Your people Read more…

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Crown Jesus Christ, who carries us through, into new!

Happy New Year! I’m now six weeks from God’s miracle of a second lifesaving brain surgery and I’ve prayed about what to share with you. I’ve been unable to write a blog post for several months. Why?  I was again walking the valley of the shadow of death, for the Read more…

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