assorted sliced fruits in white ceramic bowl

The Lord has promised good to me

Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life,and I will dwell in the house of the Lordas long as I live (Ps. 23:6 CSB). All the days. This includes today, one of earthly suffering. The Lord has promised good to me. His Word, my hope secures. Read more…

horseshoe bend photo

Soldier of Christ? Arise in and through our suffering!

In this week’s one-year anniversary of brain surgery, I am in awe of what our Lord and King has done. I’m alive! Hallelujah! Beloved in Christ, it’s far grander than His kind gift of so much physical healing. It’s way more holistic and weighty than that. I can only describe what Read more…

photo of woman lying in hospital bed

Sweet comfort from God, to endure more suffering

Have you ever wondered how much more you could possibly endure?  I had that moment recently. Hooked up to beeping machines in the hospital, tears welled up. I felt like such a burden to others in my weakness. Stuck, dependent, weary, unable, overwhelmed. In desperate need of our Helper once Read more…

boat out at sea at dusk

God knows what is best for my suffering loved one

A mighty fortress is our God,a bulwark never failing;our helper he, amid the floodof mortal ills prevailing. (“A Mighty Fortress,” Luther, M., 1529) Mortal ills and storms of life in this fallen world, raging temptations to sin, all of us desperately needing God’s help. Here’s one of the greatest of Read more…

a person wearing a cross necklace

I belong to the Lord, conquering and overcoming victory in the battle!

Sometimes, it feels like being trapped. Like we’re victims, prisoners of war. Stuck in pressured darkness, feeling there’s no way out of problems, imprisoned in sick bodies, continually being revisited by trauma. It’s all within our contexts of ongoing battles in this fallen world decaying in sin. Sometimes, we’re faced Read more…

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The complete power of our Savior and Lord!

My Bible reading plan currently involves alternating between the books of Job and Revelation. This is tremendous encouragement as I deal with ongoing suffering and our enemy’s temptations. Just as with Job, when suffering is intense, we’re also dealing with spiritual warfare. For the next two weeks, I’m asking God Read more…

lady in beach silhouette during daytime photography

Shining Christ in us, have Thine own way, Lord

Lord, We pray for so much right now. We come to You for help, our loving Abba Father, as believers in Jesus Christ, who is our elder brother. You always hear our prayers just as You heard His, always with us by Your indwelling Holy Spirit (Mt. 28:20, 1 Cor. Read more…

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Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! God’s gift of grace!

My heart broke when I saw her post, changing the lyrics of this hymn, saddened by what had become her angered unbelief in God’s gift of grace in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Suffering rattles our trust in Him, doesn’t it? Oh, how we all need God’s amazing grace, offered Read more…

person holding a stencil

Praising our Savior for His victory as we suffer

Father God, even as we rejoice in our Savior’s resurrection, sometimes our suffering so overwhelms us that we can hardly pray or read Your Word. Yet, You know we desperately need Your Word’s truths as we suffer. Strengthen and encourage us, just as You did other disciples of Jesus in Read more…

christian cross surrounded by daffodils

Amazing love! How can it be? 

Amazing love! How can it be  that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? (“And Can It Be,” Wesley, C., 1738) Lord Jesus, we come to You in this holiest of weeks, with its emotional downs and ups. As we hear each story, help us to remember that things were Read more…

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