an eagle flying in the sky

Lord, please give me “Be still, my soul” patience

As grief overwhelmed me, I lost my patience. Anger welled up and had to be honestly released with a shout. Shrouded in loss and shocked by my unusually loud reaction, I asked God to help me see what lay beneath my tear-full explosion.  My anguish had started with an unexpected Read more…

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Finding courage! God is redeeming this suffering, purified gold in the fire

Are your hard days becoming hard years of a hard life? As we both look ahead, let’s find courage as we pray together, for God is redeeming our suffering.  God’s redeeming work of grace Father, I continually cherish Your rescuing gift of saving grace. My blessed Redeemer gave Himself for Read more…

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Releasing into joy, in my dread of suffering

Why do I assume that tomorrow will bring more suffering?  Even if it did, why would I assume that I couldn’t possess any joy?  Maybe I need to simply ask God for His Spirit’s promised fruit of joy, to release my imagined assumptions. Who am I to predict what tomorrow Read more…

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Praising our Savior for His victory as we suffer

Father God, even as we rejoice in our Savior’s resurrection, sometimes our suffering so overwhelms us that we can hardly pray or read Your Word. Yet, You know we desperately need Your Word’s truths as we suffer. Strengthen and encourage us, just as You did other disciples of Jesus in Read more…

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Clinging to hope in God’s purposes as I suffer, like Jesus

Father,  It’s Your promise.  Please strengthen our hearts by fixing our eyes on Jesus today. Help us cling to hope in Your always-good purposes for Your beloved in Christ, as we suffer. For it can seem like there are no good purposes for our earthly suffering. But Your Word gives Read more…

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What if I don’t have “enough faith, weak faith?”

The enemy is such a liar and accuser when we live with suffering. Especially when it’s chronic, ongoing throughout this life. Especially in a crisis that lasts. Satan can tempt us to think that suffering means we’re “weak Christians” who don’t have “enough faith.” We easily feel shamed, judged, afraid, Read more…

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Crown Jesus Christ, who carries us through, into new!

Happy New Year! I’m now six weeks from God’s miracle of a second lifesaving brain surgery and I’ve prayed about what to share with you. I’ve been unable to write a blog post for several months. Why?  I was again walking the valley of the shadow of death, for the Read more…

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What is our hope? What is our sure comfort as we suffer?

Father, as I approach brain surgery this week, I thank You for Your hope and comfort. It is Your gift of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ, offered to me and my brothers and sisters who trust in Christ as their Lord and Savior, who may be reading this Read more…

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 I know Whom I have believed, for He is able

As a choral music educator, I often chose a beautiful piece for my children’s and middle school choirs to learn. Based on what is believed to be a hidden-away Jewish child’s words, written on the wall during the Holocaust, the kids’ voices continue to sing in my thoughts, when all Read more…

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Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

In the dark moments of suffering, we can easily be tempted to doubt God’s grace. Is God gracious if I’m dealing with so much hardship? How can this be His favor toward me?  Let’s think about God’s grace to us as we suffer. Let’s battle the accuser’s lies with truth Read more…

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