eyeglass with gold colored frames

Need strength for today? Afflicted saint, to Christ, draw near

Into my utter exhaustion one afternoon, I read God’s promise,  “As your days, your strength shall be” (Deut. 33:25),  and this song immediately came to mind once again.  Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near,The Savior’s gracious promise hear;His faithful word declares to thee,That as thy days, thy strength shall be. Read more…

a person wearing a cross necklace

I belong to the Lord, conquering and overcoming victory in the battle!

Sometimes, it feels like being trapped. Like we’re victims, prisoners of war. Stuck in pressured darkness, feeling there’s no way out of problems, imprisoned in sick bodies, continually being revisited by trauma. It’s all within our contexts of ongoing battles in this fallen world decaying in sin. Sometimes, we’re faced Read more…

person holding a stone

Singing Christ’s gospel love song, into crisis attacks and depression

O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? (“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus,” Lemmel, H. H., 1922) I cry aloud to God, aloud to God, and he will hear me. In the day of my trouble  I seek the Lord; in the night my Read more…

clear glass bottle on white paper

“Being,” in Jesus Christ, as “doing,” with Jesus Christ

I felt defeated, discouraged, guilty, lazy. Unable to “do” what I’d planned. Letting others down. Now, nine months after my second chiari malformation brain surgery but still rehabilitating, I’d forgotten that I may look “fine” and I’m able to “do” at times, but other times? I just…can’t. Those times come Read more…

an eagle flying in the sky

Lord, please give me “Be still, my soul” patience

As grief overwhelmed me, I lost my patience. Anger welled up and had to be honestly released with a shout. Shrouded in loss and shocked by my unusually loud reaction, I asked God to help me see what lay beneath my tear-full explosion.  My anguish had started with an unexpected Read more…

bonfire at night

Finding courage! God is redeeming this suffering, purified gold in the fire

Are your hard days becoming hard years of a hard life? As we both look ahead, let’s find courage as we pray together, for God is redeeming our suffering.  God’s redeeming work of grace Father, I continually cherish Your rescuing gift of saving grace. My blessed Redeemer gave Himself for Read more…

blue jeans

God leads His dear children along, all the way through

As my brain’s slumping out of the skull worsened with its body-systemic symptoms last fall, our Good Shepherd Jesus Christ came so near with His love songs, ones filled with praise and adoration to Him. Although I could rarely physically read my Bible, I heard His tender voice of comforting Read more…

woman doing hand heart sign

“Love songs” in suffering: My Jesus, I love Thee 

My memories of last fall’s months are fading. Slipping in and out of consciousness, overcome by constant intractable pain and extra bouts of electric shocks, dealing with weakening side effects of treatment…well, it’s God’s mercy that I’m forgetting much of it now. Praise to our loving, powerfully healing, compassionate God! Read more…

aerial photography of mountains

God always keeps His promises! He is a promise-keeper!

Have you read the story of God’s covenant promise to Abraham lately? God is a promise-keeper!! In our own years of waiting, let’s come to Him with our tearful longings, while nestling deep in His truth, in humbled awe and peace.  Remember? Long ago, God made a covenant promise. First, Read more…

road landscape nature sky

It’s in the hands of such a Friend, Jesus Christ!

Are you facing a crossroads kind of decision today? Me too. Is it overwhelming? Are you also asking God for His wisdom, even as we try to make educated guesses based on our limited human understanding? One of my favorite little choruses sings, “God knows all, God knows best.” As Read more…

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