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Soldier of Christ? Arise in and through our suffering!

In this week’s one-year anniversary of brain surgery, I am in awe of what our Lord and King has done. I’m alive! Hallelujah! Beloved in Christ, it’s far grander than His kind gift of so much physical healing. It’s way more holistic and weighty than that. I can only describe what Read more…

photo of woman lying in hospital bed

Sweet comfort from God, to endure more suffering

Have you ever wondered how much more you could possibly endure?  I had that moment recently. Hooked up to beeping machines in the hospital, tears welled up. I felt like such a burden to others in my weakness. Stuck, dependent, weary, unable, overwhelmed. In desperate need of our Helper once Read more…

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“Being,” in Jesus Christ, as “doing,” with Jesus Christ

I felt defeated, discouraged, guilty, lazy. Unable to “do” what I’d planned. Letting others down. Now, nine months after my second chiari malformation brain surgery but still rehabilitating, I’d forgotten that I may look “fine” and I’m able to “do” at times, but other times? I just…can’t. Those times come Read more…

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God leads His dear children along, all the way through

As my brain’s slumping out of the skull worsened with its body-systemic symptoms last fall, our Good Shepherd Jesus Christ came so near with His love songs, ones filled with praise and adoration to Him. Although I could rarely physically read my Bible, I heard His tender voice of comforting Read more…

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Spirit of God, teach me the patience of unanswered prayer

Friends are lovingly encouraging me to “be patient” when I get my hopes up and then end up feeling discouraged and disappointed in this rehab and recovery time. It’s a waiting time, one step forward, two steps back. It’s one of “longsuffering,” God’s word for “patience.” Are you waiting for Read more…

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Peace in the storms of anxiety

My chronic illnesses and brainstem herniation boiled into a raging storm seven months ago. Each day held so many moments of scary health crisis that I continually asked God to keep me physically safe during the hours my husband had to work. After my beautifully care-giving husband helped me get Read more…

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Knowing Jesus suffered for me…and suffers with me

When bouts of electric shocks fired into my body, with violently convulsing pain, I couldn’t think but only endure. When they subsided, I always melted with gratitude to our Savior, who suffered with me.  Can you imagine His raw and exposed nerves struck by scourges? Can you imagine the physical Read more…

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God’s miracle happened before! To God be the glory!

When I tell the story, some respond in awe and praise God. Others scratch their heads, “Maybe He is real and still does miracles.” I’m holding my breath in awe, wonder, and trembling worship. God has done a miracle in my life, twice now. I’m so humbled by His grace Read more…

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A lament of suffering at Christmas, into Love

God rest you merry, gentlemen,let nothing you dismay…Oh tidings of comfort and joy! (“God rest you merry, gentlemen,” p.d.) Yes, we’ve begun the Christmas season with all its “tidings of comfort and joy.” But are you suffering this year, as I am? Does this feel impossible to sing? Is your Read more…

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What is our hope? What is our sure comfort as we suffer?

Father, as I approach brain surgery this week, I thank You for Your hope and comfort. It is Your gift of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ, offered to me and my brothers and sisters who trust in Christ as their Lord and Savior, who may be reading this Read more…

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