low angle photography of brown wooden dock at golden house

Healing from God, in the middle of our suffering

Cowper’s lyrics resonate deeply with me. He knew chronic suffering well, experiencing much loss and grief, with lifelong severe depression, attempted suicides, and anxiety.  I’m praying that his “praise interruption” with its Scriptural truth becomes a surprising light of healing and hope from God for you today. As with Cowper Read more…

road landscape nature sky

It’s in the hands of such a Friend, Jesus Christ!

Are you facing a crossroads kind of decision today? Me too. Is it overwhelming? Are you also asking God for His wisdom, even as we try to make educated guesses based on our limited human understanding? One of my favorite little choruses sings, “God knows all, God knows best.” As Read more…

deep, deep love of Jesus

Deep, deep love of Jesus casts out fear

Do you hear pulsating fear everywhere? Do you notice an underlying “what if…” in spoken words and unspoken thoughts? I had a close soul-sister friend who could notice. She was the type of friend who saw my underlying “what if” as I talked. Her cancer brought her into eternity with Read more…

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