As my brain surgery continues to heal, I’ve had moments when I’ve asked God, “Why am I still here? How can I love and serve You if my body can’t ‘do’ what it used to? How can I be fruit-bearing if I’m differently-abled?” I’ve felt worth…”less,” wondering about my purpose, even with twinges of guilt. It’s all temptation of our enemy. Many have written me, feeling the same way, at their crossroads of permanent or worsening losses producing a “differently-abled” life.

I’ve always despised the label “disabled.” I even teach a course for music educators, helping them teach music to children and teens with various “exceptionalities.” Thinking about online teaching again in the fall, this word was our Lord’s sweet answer as I grieved the loss of my own former abilities, now “differently-abled.” 

We are God’s “exceptional” new creations in Christ, and we each have His kingdom purpose as long as He keeps us in this world. Aging alone brings “differently-abled” along with it. But we have a purpose in every change, in every “different.”

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Eph. 2:10 ESV).

What comfort when I feel like my life has no purpose! No matter what my body is “differently abled” to do, I am still the aroma of Christ, abiding in Christ’s love with the new heart He’s given me!

My faith looks up to Thee, abiding in Jesus

I have a new identity, label, and name…it’s not one of “doing” particular tasks as I once could. It is one of “being” in Christ, dwelt within by His sanctifying Spirit, for He will bring about whatever “good works” He’s already prepared for me to walk in.

(“My Faith Looks Up to Thee,” Palmer, R., 1830)

Fruit-bearing as we abide in the love of Christ

Lord, You promise:

He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 Jn. 4:4 ESV).

So, when my suffering squeezes and sin threatens, I cling to Your promises, enabled by Your Holy Spirit within me, loving me, changing me.

You’re bringing about Your fruit-bearing…of love, like my beloved Savior!

Fruit of the Holy Spirit, fruit-growing as we suffer

Sealed with Your Spirit (Eph. 1:13-14), You promise to grow Galatians 5 fruit, causing me to become fruit-bearing amid my suffering or sinful failures. 

You promise to grow love, joy, and peace within me. You promise to cultivate patience, kindness, and goodness in me as I interact with others. You promise to develop faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control as I walk through earthly trials, producing a “harvest of righteousness” (Jas. 3:18 ESV).

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life (Rom. 6:22 ESV).

So, please fill me with Your fruit as I abide in You:

Our fruit-bearing purpose, growing in Christ-likeness, as we suffer

Reading Colossians 3, seeing that I’m Your “chosen one, holy and beloved” (Col. 3:12), help me to “become” who I already am, Christ-like in my character…until the day I see Him! 

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing (Jn. 15:5 ESV).

In the treasured and beloved name of Jesus, amen.

Treasuring Christ, fruit-bearing as we suffer

Suffering is never in our own life-plan, is it? But Jesus softly and tenderly reminded me:

So, this abiding in Christ? It’s treasuring, knowing, loving, adoring, beholding, and worshiping Him, as I suffer. This is my purpose!

Material adapted from Praying God’s Promises Into Suffering: A Devotional Bible Study Prayer Journal, Lauri A. Hogle, © 2023

Playlist gift for treasuring Christ as we suffer

Sister in Christ, let’s “look up” to our resurrected Lord Jesus. Let’s worship and adore Him, asking Him for fruit growth as we simply abide in His love. Let’s treasure Him by singing to Him as He tells us to! This week’s playlist gift is crafted for us to sing-pray this way, especially when we feel worthless in our ability to “do.” If this might bless you as you suffer, sign up here and it will come to your email.

Perhaps other Scripture, music, and prayer resources might be His gifts to you in this time of suffering:

Praying God’s Promises

Singing the Gospel to Job

Near to God