Recently, I shared about some precious friends who’ve experienced our Father’s comfort in affliction, who then shared that comfort with me and my husband. It came after their intense affliction.

But how can we experience His comfort within this suffering, a suffocating affliction? How can we know His desires for us within constant chaos? How can we live according to His will and purposes for us in the midst? I’ve been wrestling with this very question…”How?” 

We simply ask Him! 

God’s Word encourages me deeply. I need His comforting guidance in my ongoing chronic illnesses and pain, the ups and downs of continual upheaval, and every emotion that comes with it. This week’s praise interruption has given me the words to sing-pray as I ask Him “how.” Perhaps it will be His gift to you too, sister in Christ.

For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ (2 Cor. 1:5 NASB).

Lord Jesus, speak to me, within this suffering

(“Lord, Speak to Me, That I May Speak,” Havergal, F. R., 1872)

Through Your saving gift of the gospel, I am now in Christ! I am not lost! I am never alone!

So, keep me from being an “erring child” as You speak to me in Your Word, correcting anything in me that You alone know is needed.

For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s (Rom. 14:7-8 ESV).

Lord Jesus, teach me

Teach me your way, O Lord,
    that I may walk in your truth;
    unite my heart to fear your name (Ps. 86:11 ESV).

Lord Jesus, strengthen me

Lord Jesus, lead me, within this suffering

Lord Jesus, fill me


Lord Jesus, use even me, within this suffering 

I will praise you with all my heart, Lord my God,
and will honor your name forever (Ps. 86:12 CSB)!

Amen and amen.

A playlist to pray-sing to our Lord Jesus

This week, our “suffering” playlist is filled with songs that echo these Scriptures. We ask Him for all these things and praise Him for His personalized “how” as we suffer. In it all, I pray that He comforts and guides you within your suffering as He is still comforting and leading me after 33 years of chronic illnesses and pain. 

Sister in Christ, we both have His comforting purposes right now, in the midst of our suffering. He delights in answering our pleas for “how.” If sing-praying would encourage you and help you turn to Jesus, sign up here, and this woman who understands will send it to your email with prayers and love. Or perhaps other resources below would be His encouragement?

Singing the Gospel to Job

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