Cowper’s lyrics resonate deeply with me. He knew chronic suffering well, experiencing much loss and grief, with lifelong severe depression, attempted suicides, and anxiety. 

I’m praying that his “praise interruption” with its Scriptural truth becomes a surprising light of healing and hope from God for you today.

As with Cowper (and me!), healing can be in the middle of our suffering, not only when it ends. 

If you’d like to sing the lyrics, try it to the tune of “The Church’s One Foundation.” I’ve also put a link to this lesser-known hymn in this week’s playlist gift.

Healing from God as He lightens our darkness

(“Sometimes a light surprises,” Cowper, W., 1779)

For it is you who light my lamp;
    the LORD my God lightens my darkness (Ps. 18:28 ESV).

Healing from God as we reverence Him, in humbled awe of who He is

Healing from God when we look forward to seeing Jesus Christ!

In the middle of our suffering, He is making us new, for we are already His new creations!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Cor. 5:17 ESV).

Healing from God when we remember that He already knows the future!

Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming (Mt. 24:42 ESV).

Our Lord will bring us through each moment, with exactly what He knows we’ll need in the future!

Your Father knows what you need before you ask him (Mt. 6:8 ESV).

In the middle of our suffering, He is giving us…Himself

How good it is to sing to our God,
for praise is pleasant and lovely (Ps. 147:1 CSB).

A playlist gift for the middle of our suffering

This week’s playlist gift sings these themes, even some of these exact Scriptures from God’s Word, in the middle of our suffering. For me, I’m using the playlists into my chronic illness flares, neurological rehab work, and chronic pain that’s still ramped up from my recent brain surgery. Yes, our brother in Christ is so right…sometimes His light surprises as we sing!

I’m praying our Lord will surprise you with His healing as you sing the songs! If this might bless you, as we both sing to our Lord Jesus Christ, sign up here, and weekly YouTube playlists will come to your email. 

Other gifts of our ministry are below:

For Scripture devotionals, calming hymns, and encouragement from Lauri, click here for YouTube podcast

For symptoms of chronic illness and pain, a music therapy-inspired podcast with Scripture

Devotional Bible study prayer journals, available on Amazon. Click for details.

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