Lying in a familiar tight place, head gripped in an immovable vise, restricted by an MRI tube of loud darkness, I closed my eyes and prayed as always. Our Lord’s comforting presence assured me that I was not alone. I asked Him for help to manage whatever the test revealed, knowing He would guide me, yoked to Christ in all things.

God focused me on the rhythms and melodies of the MRI magnets. His songs again flooded my thoughts, helping me praise Him in His unending love for me in Christ. 

A tight and immovable place became a wide open space…of worship!

Are you also living with limitations and tighter places? Does it feel like things are closing in, overwhelming, suffocating?

In that tight place, our Father kept “singing” about His bringing me out…but within the context of my current limitations! 

How can our limitations be a broad place, wide open and free, in God’s love? Perhaps He will encourage you as He did me, even as things tighten around you.

(“He Brought Me Out,” Gilmour, H. L., 1898)

He brought us out to His love

This song I used to teach children rang into my mind during that MRI test!

He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love (Song 2:4 ESV).

Remember when He brought you out…in repentance and belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? Oh, I remember! What a shower of His grace and love, completely forgiven and cleansed in His tender mercy!

He brought us out to His pleasant lines

The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
 indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance (Ps. 16:6 ESV) because He brought us out!

My Good Shepherd is gently teaching me—my body’s limitations are His pleasant lines with boundaries on a day’s tasks. Yoked with Jesus, who delights in me, they’ve become moments for deep breathing and worship. Sometimes, they’re caused by interrupted sleep, sudden attacks of pain, or difficult situations. But the limitations keep me safe because I seek Him more…and somehow, this is becoming a paradoxically pleasant and beautiful place as He carries me to my beautiful inheritance.  

You have not delivered me into the hand of the enemy;
    you have set my feet in a broad place (Ps. 31:8 ESV), for He brought us out into a broad place

He brought us out, freed and released as we yoke to Jesus

It feels like an adventure with Jesus! When tight places squeeze, releasing it all into His easy yoke (Mt. 11:30) and continual leading is His gift of overwhelming peace and rest. I used to push back against the pain, not only begging Him for relief but also stressing over how I’d be able to accomplish tasks, scurrying to figure out how to prevent (i.e., control) challenges.

No more. 

Our loving Father has brought me out into such rested healing, even as pain makes my body clench and tighten. Wherever He takes me, this latest layer of suffering has become His gift of grace, a freeing peace…

The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup;
    you hold my lot (Ps. 16:5 ESV).

He makes the rough places a plain!

Every valley shall be lifted up,
and every mountain and hill be made low;
the uneven ground shall become level,
and the rough places a plain (Is. 40:4 ESV).

I have loved singing Handel’s Messiah and this glorious promise! It’s one of the songs I heard in that MRI, but beautifully, it didn’t just apply to our future inheritance… God also applied it to my current tight and rough places of ongoing suffering. He is at work in both of us!

Singing God’s glorious love story, into our limitations

What songs of God’s love for you in Christ are His gifts to you today? We each have different musical backgrounds and experiences, but so many varied “Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” have already been His grace-filled help to each of us when we suffer. This week’s YouTube playlist gift shares some older and newer songs of His love and delight in us as His beloved in Christ, His gifts from this MRI scan. Praying they help you too, body, mind, soul, as we worship our Lord…who brought us out! Sign up here, if it would bless you!

If you are new to our ministry, we have other helpful resources for suffering Christian women: