woman looking up at birds

‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

David was in trouble. In Psalm 55, He cried out to the Lord, complaining honestly about his upsetting situation. He lamented, moaned, got it all out there as He prayed. He was hurt, burdened, and filled with anxiety. Can you relate? I sure can. As my students often say, “The Read more…

race of endurance

I Praise You in a Kingdom-Focused Race of Endurance

As a choral educator, I know the power of singing rounds. All learn a simple melody, repeat it over and over, and when the round begins, groups of people sing the same song at staggered times. I remember singing this round as a teenager, memorizing Scripture with song: Seek ye Read more…

two hands reaching to each other

Blessed are the Peacemakers

I detest being in conflict. Relational conflict keeps me up at night. I run past conversations on repeat in my mind, ruminate on words I might say tomorrow, and kick myself with guilt for what I did or didn’t say today. When someone disagrees with me, my knee-jerk response is to Read more…

The best day of 2020

The day COVID-19 shut life down became my best day of 2020. But it sure didn’t feel like it in the moment.  We silently gathered for a hushed emergency faculty meeting: “Prepare for an imminent, sudden shut down.” I walked down the hall, swallowing tears, to bravely face a class Read more…

prayer hands

A Healing Peace in Problems

I felt anything but a healing peace in my problems. I was “wearied by the length of [my] way” (Is. 57:10 ESV) and I felt down, low, and weak. My frustration and anxiety over unwanted problems produced exhaustion. No wonder I felt no peace. I needed to look away from my desperate Read more…

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The Lord is My Help and Hope

Going back to school in a pandemic brings up all the feels, doesn’t it? Uncertain, weary, sad, hopeful, scared, excited, overwhelmed…simultaneously. We bravely want to transition well for our kids and health of all. On top of this, we continue to live with our financial, relational, and health challenges. We Read more…

banquet and feast

Intimacy with God During Exile

Are you experiencing a new, even desperate, yearning for intimacy with God? Maybe it’s just me, but this pandemic has given me a deeper longing. Written for those experiencing discouragement, attack, and loneliness in exile, Isaiah 35 describes my longing well…maybe it will encourage you too. Five S’s leap from Read more…

When We All Get to Heaven

Singing Christ’s hope into suffering includes singing of heaven as He releases our grip on this world. Before the Lord graciously drew us to Himself in Christ, we had no hope and were without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus, we have been brought near by the blood of Christ (Eph. 2:13 ESV)! Read more…

God Knows

I’ve realized that we teachers continually gaze to future. We create broad learning outcomes for students in our care and then artistically sculpt logical and detailed plans for every month, week and day. We become creators, molders, shapers, and potters who can visualize future beauty in each student as we Read more…

I Need Strength: Day by Day

In this world broken by sin, are you feeling particularly shattered and weak? Suffering and sin are a born-into-this-world given (Genesis 3)…but these days? They seem a  specially appointed,  global,  weighty,             exponential           hard. A prayer for today Oh Lord, we need Your strength in our weakness. We ponder Read more…

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