old castle on rocky cliff

Battle Fear with Praise to God

David’s Psalm 56 song lyrics resonate with me when I battle serious illness symptoms and have fearful thoughts of “what if.” David was afraid of what might happen because, practically based on his human understanding, his enemies would likely kill him (1 Sam. 21).  David’s lyrics acknowledge our very real Read more…

ocean water

Take heart, I have overcome the world

I wonder what they were singing. They’d been attacked by the crowds, stripped naked, beaten, thrown into prison, and fastened into stocks.  About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them (Acts 16:25).  Which hymns? What were the lyrics? Did Read more…


When I’m suffering in darkness, God is my light

Are you suffering in darkness, walking through dark days? On a recent dark day filled with pain-full moments, the Lord gently reminded me that He who created my days (Ps. 139:16) also created light and darkness, sun and moon (Gen. 1:5, 14). His power spoke them into existence and He Read more…

brown rock formation

Rock of Ages, cleft for me

Majestic jagged rocks scraped the clouds. My granddaughter explained, “Nana, these rocks were here a billion million years ago!” Oh yes, they’ve endured, standing firm when heavy wind, storms, and droughts beat strong. I imagined Biblical lands where people found shelter in rocky crevices. Rocks shaded people from blazing heat Read more…

clouds and blue sky

Can you imagine the singing at God’s throne? Hallelujah!

We’ve recently pondered the different Hebrew words for our word, “praise,” realizing that praise to God doesn’t always mean we bubble over with happy emotional feelings. But there is one word that’s over-the-top, joy-filled, saturated with exuberant praise. The book of Revelation gives us beautiful details, offering us hope as Read more…

brown wooden dock

Help me to praise You when I don’t feel happy, God

When life’s suffering brings us to our knees, we need God’s help in many ways. If you’re like me, emotions quickly cloud my thoughts. I need His help. Praising God in the midst of pain somehow doesn’t feel emotionally authentic. Am I feeling emotionally happy when I’m in physical agony? Read more…

chords sheet on piano tiles

Singing Christ’s Hope Into Your Suffering

Many have asked me to share more about what the Lord did for me in the 90’s. I hesitate to share personal stories, but on this “anniversary” week, I will. You have a story too! Let’s all glorify God by telling stories of His work in our lives as believers. Read more…

gray asphalt road surrounded by tall trees

Finding hope when it seems there’s no answer

My knee-jerk reaction to suffering is to research, scrambling for solutions, aiming to find a way to make things feel more comfortable. I want to fix things and quickly. I want an answer. Back when my illness was the worst, my desperation for health had crossed the line into idolatry. Read more…

wood typography photography connection

Tune my heart to sing, Lord

When suffering seems endless and despair kicks in, thoughts of “why” and “how long, oh Lord?” can permeate our thoughts. We fixate on circumstances, trying to understand them, and then stress multiplies even more.  Our songs of praise feel out of tune, inauthentic, cacophonous, ugly, filled with discord underneath. Sometimes Read more…

cross with light

Praising Jesus for His power when I’m afraid

Does it seem like the powers of this world are taking over? Is fear nagging under the surface of your thoughts? We do not need to be afraid, believer. Easter actually happened, right?! Jesus is alive and reigning as King right now, and He is fulfilling His kingdom purposes right Read more…

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