white flowers and leaves on an open book

Near to God as I praise Him for His character

God’s songs in Scripture drip with honest emotion. So we know He understands our emotional needs when we suffer; He gives us words to pray when our hearts run dry. In our pain and suffering, He even gives us moments of praise, interspersed within those tearful songs in His Word. Read more…

woman in white sweater and blue denim jeans praying on bed

How to sing the Lord’s song when we’re suffering

Is your landscape starting to look foreign? With head-spinning changes, escalating evil all around, pervasive hardship, and seemingly impossible suffering? I’ve had that kind of week as I write this. Many of us have. Psalms 137 and 138 have been the Lord’s gift to me this week.  God’s people, exiled Read more…

person s scooping water by hands

“Jesus, Lover of My Soul” in Times of Loss and Waiting

Are you walking through a time of “unanswered prayer?” Does it seem like a lifetime of waiting for something? Are you experiencing discouragement and loss? I wrote this last week, not knowing that I would be suddenly walking in “the valley of the shadow of death” a few days later. Read more…

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Jesus, You are the lover of my soul

What if this suffering means my faith isn’t strong enough? What if God doesn’t actually love me?  The enemy loves to dagger these questions into our thoughts. Just as in the Genesis 3 garden, the tempter wants us to forget the gospel, doubt God’s love for us because pain is Read more…

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The Riches of the Breath of God

Are these days making you feel breathless? Like you’re wearily running a marathon? Perhaps you’re sick and literally struggling to take a breath. Perhaps you’re finding yourself holding your breath from constant pain, anxiety, or stress. We are indeed living through a race of endurance right now. But we are Read more…

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God’s Rescue in a New-Hard Season

As this New Year begins, are you begging God for rescue from a new-hard season? If you’re like me, as I pray for rescue, I also must look back, rehearsing His past rescue when my circumstances overwhelm. I first need to remember that He’s already rescued and delivered us!  So, Read more…

macro shot photography of tea candles

Abiding in the Joy and Love of Jesus at Christmas

As we celebrate Jesus’ first coming this Christmas, we’re celebrating love. Love incarnated! The Lord of heaven and earth became human.  Yes, He was born to die for us. What an undeserved and gracious gift of His love for sinners like you and me. It’s astounding. Lately, I’ve also been Read more…

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Turning darkness to the light of Jesus Christ

Snow burst into the gloomy, dark, cloudy day after Thanksgiving. My husband and I agreed, “The first thing we must do today is to fill our home with Christmas lights, in a way we’ve never done before.” We gathered every dusty old light we could find, he replaced bulbs and Read more…

macro shot photography of tea candles

Help and hope of Jesus at Christmas

What does the tender image of a baby born in Bethlehem have to do with my suffering? How does the gospel relate to my suffering? I’ve spent years seeking God with these thoughts, especially when suffering continues through Christmas Day. So often I’ve cried, “O come, Lord Jesus” as I Read more…

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Yet, I will rejoice in the LORD

My suffering appeared hopeless. Every circumstance pointed to endless hardship, permanent challenges, a life of tribulation. It felt Job-like, impacting health, finances, family, work and home tasks, relationships. My husband and I were now walking through years of long-suffering affliction and endless pain. And now my soul is poured out Read more…

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