macro shot photography of tea candles

Abiding in the Joy and Love of Jesus at Christmas

As we celebrate Jesus’ first coming this Christmas, we’re celebrating love. Love incarnated! The Lord of heaven and earth became human.  Yes, He was born to die for us. What an undeserved and gracious gift of His love for sinners like you and me. It’s astounding. Lately, I’ve also been Read more…

flame in candle

Turning darkness to the light of Jesus Christ

Snow burst into the gloomy, dark, cloudy day after Thanksgiving. My husband and I agreed, “The first thing we must do today is to fill our home with Christmas lights, in a way we’ve never done before.” We gathered every dusty old light we could find, he replaced bulbs and Read more…

cardboard gift box with postcard on table

Thanksgiving through tears: Your sacrifice becomes my thanksgiving

Is this a Thanksgiving through tears for you? One of deep loss and pain? Our tears are in the tender care of the One who also wept in His loss. Beloved in Christ, our thanks-giving tears are offerings of trust to the One who understands. In the United States, this Read more…

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Yet, I will rejoice in the LORD

My suffering appeared hopeless. Every circumstance pointed to endless hardship, permanent challenges, a life of tribulation. It felt Job-like, impacting health, finances, family, work and home tasks, relationships. My husband and I were now walking through years of long-suffering affliction and endless pain. And now my soul is poured out Read more…

big wooden cross on green grass field under the white clouds

Weary soul? Come to Jesus for satisfaction

Are you weary today? Maybe you’re like me and chronic illness has brought fatigue and pain. Or are you weary of caring for your family in this ever-changing and despairing world? Weary of the fallen world? Tired of it all? Maybe you’re suffering with a sin-sick soul, weary of your Read more…

gray concrete triumphal arch surrounded by flowers

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms in Crisis

Crisis screams. A phone call that shatters, symptoms that destroy, an emergency that swirls into chaos. If you’re like me, you grasp for control and try to hold things together as you pray, “Help me, help me” or just “God,” until you finally breathe and melt. In the siren lights Read more…

pathway between green grass field

God’s song in the night, a song of joy

Joy? How can we possibly find any joy right now? How can we find joy when anger, pain, fear, and personal troubles seem to escalate weekly?  My heart has wearied this week, yet He beckons me through this Scripture. God’s song in the night You shall have a song as Read more…

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You hold me up in waves of suffering

My dear husband took me to a small rocky beach on the Great Lake. We rested in God’s gifts, feeling warm breezes, watching holiday boaters, hearing gentle waves splashing stone piles. Under the canopy of blue sky and wispy clouds, we noticed seagulls soaring, carried by the wind. Carried. One Read more…

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God’s beautiful, wonderful words of life

Are you dealing with frustrations at every turn? Battling Goliath-sized giants on many fronts? Does this old hymn sing your prayer to the Lord today?  Sing them over again to me,wonderful words of life;let me more of their beauty see,wonderful words of life.Words of life and beauty,teach me faith and Read more…

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Rock of Ages, cleft for me

Majestic jagged rocks scraped the clouds. My granddaughter explained, “Nana, these rocks were here a billion million years ago!” Oh yes, they’ve endured, standing firm when heavy wind, storms, and droughts beat strong. I imagined Biblical lands where people found shelter in rocky crevices. Rocks shaded people from blazing heat Read more…

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