clouds and blue sky

Can you imagine the singing at God’s throne? Hallelujah!

We’ve recently pondered the different Hebrew words for our word, “praise,” realizing that praise to God doesn’t always mean we bubble over with happy emotional feelings. But there is one word that’s over-the-top, joy-filled, saturated with exuberant praise. The book of Revelation gives us beautiful details, offering us hope as Read more…

foamy sea waves rolling on sandy beach

Praising God for what is unseen

She bowed before her Lord in desperate need. “Lord, all I can see is suffering, pain, turmoil, unrest, evil. My anxiety is ramping up and my situation isn’t improving. Please help me find rest in this un-rest.  Help me to praise You, God.  Maybe today, help me praise You for what’s Read more…

brown wooden dock

Help me to praise You when I don’t feel happy, God

When life’s suffering brings us to our knees, we need God’s help in many ways. If you’re like me, emotions quickly cloud my thoughts. I need His help. Praising God in the midst of pain somehow doesn’t feel emotionally authentic. Am I feeling emotionally happy when I’m in physical agony? Read more…

white clouds

Please help me see Your glory, Lord

In today’s suffering, do you ache to see God’s glory and beauty (Ps. 27:4)? Are you like Moses, praying, “Please show me Your glory” (Ex. 33:18) because you’re traveling an unknown and heavy road? Are you begging to see a glimmer of His dazzling bright light in today’s darkness?  Beloved in Christ, Read more…

crop mother washing hands of child in bathroom

Interrupt Our Suffering by Serving Others in Love

This week, one of our sisters here at “Singing Christ’s Hope” has written something beautiful for all of us to ponder. Here are words of Heather Hooks, sharing her perspective: I have a radical idea – what if we interrupt our suffering by worshipping God? And what if that worship Read more…

chords sheet on piano tiles

Singing Christ’s Hope Into Your Suffering

Many have asked me to share more about what the Lord did for me in the 90’s. I hesitate to share personal stories, but on this “anniversary” week, I will. You have a story too! Let’s all glorify God by telling stories of His work in our lives as believers. Read more…

baked bread

Great is Thy Faithfulness

I woke up with pain and fatigue as if I’d never slept. The computer screamed at me with work to do and the headlines blared loud whining about worldly troubles. How quickly my discontent and dread of today shot shrapnel into my thoughts. I needed a praise interruption.  Before I Read more…

purple sky

Jesus Has Overcome! Christ is Risen! Victory in Jesus!

Jesus is alive! Hallelujah! What does His resurrection mean for us, as we remain on earth with its suffering? The effects of sin, evil, our enemy Satan, and resulting death can feel so strong when we’re suffering. For me, daily trials mean I’m often bombarded with the enemy’s darts, “what Read more…

snow covered mountain during sunrise

Rest and Strength Beneath the Cross of Jesus

In quietness and in trust shall be your strength (Is. 30:15b ESV). “But Lord,” she cried. “Nothing in my life feels quiet or calm. My life is filled with chaos, this fallen world is filled with chaos and noise. I’m honestly battling the ever-present anxiety that underlies my life circumstances Read more…

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