silhouette of person standing beside cross during sunset

What wondrous love is this, oh my soul?

Do you ever talk to your soul? The Psalmists did this a lot, reminding themselves of truth in God’s Word, truths about who God is and what He is doing…even when we can’t see it.  Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within Read more…

woman looking at sunset

What do I do as I wait for suffering to end?

Are you waiting for things to improve, hoping for things to become easier?  Sometimes, it’s years of waiting.  Sometimes, things don’t get better or easier, but worse and harder. What do we do then? What if…our waiting lasts a lifetime? Psalm 69 gives us the words to pray in the Read more…

photo of a man sitting under the tree

Singing the Name of Jesus Into Loneliness

Suffering feels lonely, doesn’t it? So much suffering causes physical isolation, surviving away from others. How I’m praying for those who are widowed, sick, orphaned, and isolated right now. The list is lengthening daily. Even when people are physically near, we can feel emotionally alone, right? If you’re anything like Read more…

backlit cemetery christianity clouds

Jesus Christ, I Adore You

Are you enduring personal suffering right now? Are you afraid as you stare horrified at earthly happenings, wondering about potential suffering to come? Are you surrounded by effects of sin and evil on every side? It seems that we as idol-making humans are worshiping anything and everything other than Jesus Read more…

person showing bodies of water

Jesus, You are strong in my weakness

She was in anguish. There seemed to be no end in sight. Like the apostle Paul, she begged God for the thorn to go away, for her chronic suffering to disappear. She read books that encouraged her to muster up her brave, to declare she is enough and an overcomer, Read more…

pathway between tomato fruits

Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

The pandemic canceled our entire summer’s travel plans, so my husband and I decided to plant a vegetable garden for the first time. Honestly, we needed a positive home project as we grieved heavy losses of not meeting our newborn grandson, not seeing our kids and grandchildren, and missing our Read more…

art autumn autumn leaves beautiful

Lord, we thank You in our trials

As Thanksgiving approaches, we may not be gathering in typical ways. Our tables may not include those normally invited, we may be grieving as we miss those who used to fill the seats, we may not have enough money to feast. Our hearts may be too overwhelmed to feel like Read more…

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God’s Gift of Grace in 2020

If we’ve all learned anything from 2020, we’ve learned that our plans actually submit to the sovereign Lord who orders all things.  The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps (Prov. 16:9). Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that Read more…

woman looking towards the sky

Praising Our Sovereign God Into Depression

I wondered about the author of this hymn’s lyrics (God Moves in a Mysterious Way, Cowper, W., 1773). What happened in this believer’s life? His mother died when he was six. He fell in love but wasn’t allowed to marry her. He went to law school but couldn’t handle the Read more…

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