big wooden cross on green grass field under the white clouds

Weary soul? Come to Jesus for satisfaction

Are you weary today? Maybe you’re like me and chronic illness has brought fatigue and pain. Or are you weary of caring for your family in this ever-changing and despairing world? Weary of the fallen world? Tired of it all? Maybe you’re suffering with a sin-sick soul, weary of your Read more…

green mountain

A Song of Joy When I’m Broken

Do you feel broken today? Wounded? How could my broken body, broken emotions, broken life be one that sings with joy right now? In this ultra-broken world? As we walk wounded, perhaps the song is a quiet one that someone else needs to lead for us, like the flutist. And Read more…

gray concrete road

I Want Jesus Who Walks With Me

They trudged the dusty road, so sad and overwhelmed. Their beloved Jesus had died and they thought He was gone. They’d heard Jesus was alive and resurrected, but they hadn’t actually seen Him.  All they could see was stifling darkness around them. Their pain felt like the Light of the Read more…

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God’s beautiful, wonderful words of life

Are you dealing with frustrations at every turn? Battling Goliath-sized giants on many fronts? Does this old hymn sing your prayer to the Lord today?  Sing them over again to me,wonderful words of life;let me more of their beauty see,wonderful words of life.Words of life and beauty,teach me faith and Read more…

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Help me to praise You when I don’t feel happy, God

When life’s suffering brings us to our knees, we need God’s help in many ways. If you’re like me, emotions quickly cloud my thoughts. I need His help. Praising God in the midst of pain somehow doesn’t feel emotionally authentic. Am I feeling emotionally happy when I’m in physical agony? Read more…

close up photo of grape fruit

God’s promises to take care of you

My husband has become a gardening hobbyist. With the help of YouTube videos, he’s created a vegetable garden to continually nurture. Now that new plants are in the ground, they’re constantly on his mind as he’s begun a routine of watering, composting, and watching each little plant. He’s done much Read more…

chords sheet on piano tiles

Singing Christ’s Hope Into Your Suffering

Many have asked me to share more about what the Lord did for me in the 90’s. I hesitate to share personal stories, but on this “anniversary” week, I will. You have a story too! Let’s all glorify God by telling stories of His work in our lives as believers. Read more…

wood typography photography connection

Tune my heart to sing, Lord

When suffering seems endless and despair kicks in, thoughts of “why” and “how long, oh Lord?” can permeate our thoughts. We fixate on circumstances, trying to understand them, and then stress multiplies even more.  Our songs of praise feel out of tune, inauthentic, cacophonous, ugly, filled with discord underneath. Sometimes Read more…

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In my Sorrow, Sing to the Man of Sorrows

Is today filled with sorrow, beloved? It is for many of us, dear readers. Our Man of Sorrows, our suffering Servant, our Savior Jesus Christ understands our suffering, sadness, and loss.  This week, let’s remember Jesus who is so near to us in our sadness because He is our Man Read more…

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Returning and Resting in Jesus When I’m Weak

I had a recent day when the world’s weight bore heavy and threatened to pull me under. I work as a teacher. I’ve loved teaching others how to sing and make music with their God-given instrument. In one of my research studies, a child called teaching “helping.” Yes, I’ve always Read more…

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