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Nothing at all can separate me from God’s love

How can a loving God let this happen to me? Including Job and myself, I don’t know one person who’s experienced deep suffering and hasn’t asked this question in moments of pain and despair. As a mature believer, Job lamented to God, “I loathe my life…do not condemn me…I am Read more…

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Preparing for suffering, leaning on the everlasting arms

Father, We’re easily tempted to dread future suffering. Just flipping on the news will do it! We all need Your help. In Isaiah 12, You prepared Your people for upcoming suffering. In their case, You would judge their many years of sinful turning away from You. But You were mercifully Read more…

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A prayer to help me remember what is true

Heavenly Father, Like with Job in his suffering, the enemy continues his wearying lie, “Did God actually say?” (Genesis 3:1). Moments of doubt and fear can creep into our thoughts when we’re gripped in the lonely pain of suffering. “Doesn’t suffering mean that my faith has failed? That I have Read more…

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She Was Missing Christmas, the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Do you feel like you’re “missing Christmas” right now? Are you fearing you might be “missing Christmas” this year?  Is someone you love no longer with us on earth and so you’re missing your loved one, dreading Christmas day? Are your emotions so numb to Christmas that you just wish Read more…

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Peace in suffering at Christmas…in the gospel of Christ

We’ve flipped the calendar and here we are, entering Advent. So, we begin to sing the old familiar hymn… Hark! the herald angels sing,“Glory to the newborn King!” (“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” Wesley, C., 1739) “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” (Lk. Read more…

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God is a fortress in the overwhelming flood

Lord of heaven and earth, I confess that sometimes I fear the enemy is winning. I confess that I can easily think he is Your equal. Our accuser tempts me with lies, thinking that You are not all-powerful over the enemy and evil. He tempts me to disregard Your power Read more…

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“Fear God” in Worship When I’m Afraid

Lord, when we fear what might happen, help us to exalt You. Remind us who You are, stir us to reverently worship You, and keep us in rightful awe of Your unchanging character. This “fear of God” also soothes our fears as we walk into the scary things ahead. Why? Read more…

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Faith as God’s gift, over fear

Facing this week’s scary possibilities, imagining very-plausible-horrible in my thoughts, also clouded by my grief of a sudden death last week, I wondered…was Jesus ever afraid? Scripture doesn’t reveal a time when He was. Why would He be? He’s God! But Jesus was also human and He faced anticipated suffering Read more…

woman wearing gray long sleeved shirt and black black bottoms outfit sitting on gray wooden picnic table facing towards calm body of water at daytime

Looking to the love of Jesus as I suffer

Lord, Job’s words match my sighs, my groans, my losses.  My sighing comes instead of my bread, and my groanings are poured out like water. For the thing that I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me (Job 3:24-25 ESV). I’m slogging through today, Father. Things seem to be worsening. I can’t Read more…

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God is…compassionate and strong

My God, I’m feeling so much like Job today. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet. I have no rest, but trouble comes. I need Your help and strength just for basic life tasks. How can I get through today?  “Day by day, and with each passing moment,” Read more…

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