woman in white dress standing in field with raised hand

Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

The book of Lamentations is a book of agony and lament. Everything was falling apart as God’s people suffered. In the middle of the writer’s grief and fear, he interrupts his suffering by reminding his soul of an important truth Read more…

Singing the gospel when I feel like things aren’t fair

Have you heard the exasperated cry of someone suffering, “This just isn’t fair!” Have you lamented the injustices and evils of this world? Do you resonate with Job when he cries to God, “Does it seem good to you to Read more…

dawn love people woman

You are always the same, Lord!

“I’m so stressed out and exhausted.” “The continual challenges and changes overwhelm me.” “The many voices conflict, arguing for their own opinions. Who do I believe and trust anymore?” “The pictures, videos, and clanging words in this world make me Read more…

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My omnipresent God is with me and my children

I’ve noticed that the hardest suffering for many women has to do with mothering, in multiple ways. Mothering starts with the anguish of labor, yet it’s mingled with joy (John 16:21). In the sacrificial love required, exhaustion of child-care, and Read more…

woman sitting while showing heart sign hands

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