Are you tired too? I’m weary of ongoing physical suffering and incessant problems and losses in this fallen world. It easily threatens to take over my emotions and thoughts. A deeper weariness of sin’s temptations to bring me down. Lately, I’m desperate to take refuge in my union with Jesus.

God has recently had me pondering all the weariness our sinless Savior humbled Himself to endure for us. His poverty and homelessness. His physical and emotional pain. Fatigue. Grief. His endurance of constant hatred, trauma, abuse, slander, hurt, misunderstanding, injustice, abandonment of His loved ones, even betrayal by Judas. Temptation to sin amid this world’s sufferings.

Jesus knew it would all happen, and still, He constantly submitted to the will of our Father who sent Him. 

The most horrific of all? Having lived a completely sinless life, He was left utterly alone by our Father as He took away our punishment for sin on the brutal cross. 

So that we would never be alone in our earthly suffering or struggle with sin. 

Those who are in Christ Jesus are in…God’s refuge of the weary.

The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold (Ps. 18:2 ESV).

I’ve been asking Jesus to help me live His way, in my weariness. Watching how Jesus managed life, especially as things worsened the closer He got to the cross, He’s carried me into His “refuging” care. Jesus has taken me into the gospels,

remembering the songs He sang into His own weariness…the Psalms. 

Remember that I’m in Christ Jesus, refuge of the weary

(“Jesus, Refuge of the Weary,” Savonarola, G., trans. Lady J. F. Wilde, 1853)

Remember why I’m still here, with God’s kingdom purpose

The LORD redeems the life of his servants; none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned (Ps. 34:22 ESV).

Remember what He did for me, coming to the cross of Jesus, a refuge of the weary when the tempter attacks

Remember my hope for what is coming

Rest in the abiding love and strong protection of my Lord Jesus, refuge of the weary

But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress (Ps. 59:16 ESV).

A playlist gift to refuge in our Lord Jesus, to remember and behold the cross anew

Perhaps it is singing of the cross of Jesus that we might find our greatest love, praise, and adoration expressed to our Suffering Servant, for it’s there that our suffering hearts meet His suffering heart…for us. I can’t get this quote out of my thoughts: “It was by his death that he wished above all else to be remembered.”[1] 

As many behold the cross anew in this season, I’m taking refuge there. For it is in Jesus’ death in my place that I can now rejoice that I am in Him, now able to run to Him with every sin, every concern, every weariness of life in this broken world. Remembering all He has done, is doing, and will do is His refuge and strength when I’m so very weary. 

This week’s playlist gift is one to help us both come to Jesus, refuge of the weary. If this would bless you in your weariness too, sign up here, and it will come to your email with love from this sister in Christ who is also beyond exhausted…and is being held up inside our refuge, Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Other resources of our ministry are below, for suffering Christian women

For Scripture devotionals, calming hymns, and encouragement from Lauri, click here for YouTube podcast 

For music therapy-inspired Scripture and hymn podcast to ease chronic illness and pain symptoms, click here

Devotional Bible study prayer journals, available on Amazon. Click for details.

Praying God’s Promises Into Suffering

Singing the Gospel to Job: Finding Hope in Suffering

Near to God: A Devotional Bible Study of God’s Character in Our Suffering

[1] Stott, J. (1986). The cross of Christ. IVP, p. 86.

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