Into my utter exhaustion one afternoon, I read God’s promise, 

and this song immediately came to mind once again. 

(“As thy days, so shall thy strength be,” Fawcett, J., p. d.)

Looking at my “days,” I often ponder: What is “time” to the eternal God, Alpha and Omega, beginning and end? For He is outside of what mere human understanding considers “time.” I’m so comforted to remember that His promises and prophecies always come true, because He already knows the end from the beginning!

Afflicted saint, in our exhausted waiting to see Jesus, let’s rest in His promise….He will give us His strength to endure anything He knows is coming. 

For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory (2 Cor. 1:20 ESV).

As those who trust in Christ alone for salvation, we can even sing the gospel hope He’s given us into Old Covenant promises, cherishing that they now belong to us…because we belong to Christ.

Afflicted saint, to Christ, let’s both draw near.

Cry of an afflicted saint: HOW will I be able to face another day of suffering?

He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength (Is. 40:29 ESV).
The eternal God is your dwelling place,
and underneath are the everlasting arms (Deut. 33:27 ESV).

How? Resting in our hope in Christ, as an afflicted saint

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might (Eph. 6:10 ESV).

To God be the glory!

Resources of singing Christ’s hope

I made this week’s professionally curated playlist gift months ago. It has been God’s strengthening gift to me on days when I don’t know how to keep going with ongoing suffering. As I praise our Lord, He uses the playlists as therapeutically healing gifts! As my days, my strength shall be…because I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ! It’s His promise!

Are you walking through affliction of some sort?

Utterly exhausted too?

Perhaps weekly playlists that sing the gospel and His Word’s “yes” promises to us as redeemed saints in Christ will be His strengthening gift to you also.

Sign up here if you’d like this encouragement in your email. Other resources are also below, including a book to pray God’s promises as we suffer. Drawing near to our Lord, along with you, sister in Christ.

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